Communication Counts in College, Career, and Life, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (July 5, 2011) © 2012

  • David W. Worley Indiana State University
  • Debra A Worley Indiana State University
  • Laura B. Soldner Northern Michigan University



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Communication Counts teaches students that the skills and theories they learn in the basic communication course can be linked and applied to  their  college, career, and life experiences.

By integrating basic communication course content with college students’ real world experiences, , the authors illustrate how principles and practices can assist students here and now, as well as prepare them for future successes in the work world. Relevant for both traditional and nontraditional students, readers from all walks of life will see the immediate affective correlation to their lives which, in turn, will help to improve student motivation for the course and enhance student learning.

  • Communication Counts in Your Career boxes within each chapter focus on the relationship between communication and career. This spotlight on practical and conceptual links address students’ needs and will appeal to students’ interests both current and future.
  • Communication Counts in Your College Experience boxes within each chapter emphasize college experience as it relates to communication principles and practices. These boxes will provide relevant links that students can make between communication and their lives right now.
  • Communication Counts in Your Life boxes within each chapter emphasize communication as it relates to life experiences. These boxes show students the relationship between communication and their lives–both now and as they prepare for their lives beyond college.
  • Each chapter provides a capstone section, emphasizing how communication principles and practices connect with students’ college, career, and life experiences, enhancing the immediate relevance of the content for students.
  • The unique “Communication in Organizations” chapter (Ch. 13) helps students understand basic principles of organizational communication by relating the theories of organizations to two concrete examples-- how a university runs and how students work in regard to that institution.
  • Every chapter includes discussion questions and exercises, providing opportunities for students to create their own links between principles and practice and their own lives.
  • New Learning Outcomes begin each chapter to help students efficiently preview, study, and review key chapter concepts and skills.
  • New Culture Counts icons appear in each chapter of the text and draw students’ attention to material and discussions that address the important link between culture and communication in our lives integrating issues of diversity throughout the textbook.  
  • Newly integrated ethics coverage emphasizes that communication is not only strategic but also should be ethical, and underscores pitfalls of communication (and how to avoid them).
  • Expanded section on Public Speaking, highlighting individual chapters for Informative and Persuasive Speaking (Chapter 10: Informative Speaking and Chapter 11: Persuasive Speaking) helps students focus on and master these two important types of public speaking.
  • Fully revised and updated Chapter 14: Mass Communication and Computer Mediated Communication addresses the increasing importance of technology and networking to society and, more often than not, to college students who are considered “digital natives.”
  • A newly designed graphics program shows concepts visually, and engages non-traditional learners.

Unit I: Essential Communication Elements

 Chapter 1: Appreciating and Understanding Human Communication

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Thinking About Communication

Learning About Communication

Linking Ethics and Communication

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Communicator in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 2: Perception: Self, Others and Communication

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Understanding the Process of Perception

Facing Perceptual Challenges

Connecting Perception and Communication: A Reciprocal Relationship

Improving Your Perceptual Skills

Enacting Competent and Ethical Perception in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 3:  Effective Listening

Graphic Organizer

Learning OutcomesOvercoming Our Reluctance to Listen

Learning to Listen Effectively

Reaping the Rewards of Listening

Using Listening to Enhance Learning

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Listener in College,Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 4: Verbal Communication and Language

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Understanding Verbal Communication

Identifying the Properties of Language

Recognizing the Power of Language

Connecting Language and Gender

Connecting Language and Culture

Using Language Competently and Ethically in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 5: Nonverbal Communication

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Understanding Nonverbal Communication

Identifying the Properties of Nonverbal Communication

Classifying the Types of Nonverbal Communication

Connecting Nonverbal Communication and Gender

Connecting Nonverbal Communication and Culture

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Nonverbal Communicator in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Unit II: Interpersonal Communication

Chapter 6: Understanding Interpersonal Communication

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Recognizing the Difference Between Impersonal and Interpersonal Communication

Understanding Intimacy as a Key Concept of Interpersonal Communication

Identifying the Stages of Relationship Development and Dissolution

Developing Releationships Between Professors and Students

Connecting Gender and Intepersonal Communication

Connecting Culture and Interpersonal Communication

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Interpersonal Communicator in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 7: Practicing Effective Interpersonal Communication

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Acknowledging the “Reality” of Relationships

Understanding Interpersonal Communication Dialectics

Applying Interpersonal Dialectics to Families

Applying Interpersonal Communication Dialectics to Friendships

Applying Interpersonal Communication Dialectics to College

Applying Interpersonal Communication Dialectics to Communities

Managing Conflict in Interpersonal Relationships

Creating More Assertive Relationships

Building Competent and Ethical Interpersonal Relationships in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Unit III: Public Communication     

Chapter 8: Public Speaking: Process, Purposes, Topics, and Audiences

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Studying Public Speaking

Understanding the Process of Public Speaking

Identifying Public Speaking Purposes

Selecting a Subject

Selecting a Topic

Relating a Topic to Purposes

Writing a Thesis Statement

Gathering Information

Conducting Interview and Recording Personal Observations

Evaluating Materials

Identifying Different Types of Speeches

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Public Speaker in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 9:  Organization, Supporting Material, Delivery, and Visual Aids

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Organizing Your Ideas

Outlining for Effective Speaking

Identifying Patterns of Organization

Understanding the Parts of a Speech

Gathering Supporting Materials

Citing Sources

Using Visual Aids to Enhance Delivery

Delivering Your Speech Effectively

Dealing With Communication Apprehension

Preparing for Effective Delivery

Achieving Competent and Ethical Speech Delivery in College, Career, and Life

The Importance of Organizational Skills for College Learning and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 10: Informative Speaking

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Defining Informative Speaking

Identifying Types of Informative Speeches

Organizing Informative Speeches

Becoming an Effective and Ethical Informative Speaker

Understanding the Value of Informative Speaking for College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 11: Persuasive Speaking

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Defining Persuasion

Understanding the Role of Attitudes in Persuasion

Building Persuasive Credibility

Crafting Persuasive Messages

Identifying Types of Persuasive Speeches

Organizing Persuasive Speeches

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Persuasive Speaker in College, Career, and Life


Unit IV: Groups, Organizations & Mass Communication                 

Chapter 12: Groups in Discussion

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Understanding the Characteristics of Groups

Distinguishing Between Indivdual Goals and Group Goals

Identifying Types of Groups

Determining Roles in Groups

Understanding Leadership in Groups

Tracing the Stages of Group Development

Appreciating Culture, Values, and Gender in Groups

Solving Problems in Groups

Making Quality Decisions in Groups

Becoming a Competent and Ethical Group Member in  College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 13: Communication in Organizations

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Understanding the Importance of Communication in Organizations

Appreciating Organizational Cultures

Understanding Organizational Systems: The System Model

Examining Communication Contexts in Organizations

Confronting Challenges in Contemporary Organizations

Identifying and Avoiding Sexual Harassment

Using Technology in Organizations

Preparing for the Job Market Early in College

Putting Organizational Communication Into Practice in College, Career, and Life


Questions for Discussion


Key Terms


Chapter 14:  Mass Communication and Computer Mediated Communication

Graphic Organizer

Learning Outcomes

Understanding the World of Mediated Mass Communication

Identifying Characteristics of Mediated Communication

Examining Effects of Mass Communication

Thinking About Computer Mediated Communication and Social Media

Evaluating Blogs and the Changing Face of News

Being a Critical Consumer of Media

Becoming a Competent and ethical Mediated and Mass Communicator in College, Carrer, and Life



Questions for Discussion


Key Terms

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