College Culture, Student Success, A Longman Topics Reader, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 29, 2007) © 2008

  • Debra J. Anderson
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  • A print text

College Culture, Student Success helps students develop reading, writing, and thinking skills as well as become familiar with the common customs, underlying assumptions, and strategies for success associated with being a college student.

This brief, flexible, and contemporary reader explores topics familiar to many of today’s college students, including being a first-generation college student, balancing college and work, recognizing different learning styles, taking responsibility for one’s education, and experiencing campus life.  Students will become more knowledgeable about the larger community they are joining and better understand some of the experiences of their peers even as they reflect on their own experiences, assumptions, and motivation.

Apparatus that invites students to bring their own experiences to an interpretation, recognize how authors make use of rhetorical techniques, make thematic connections across multiple readings, and conduct research on the Web ensures that College Culture, Student Success is particularly effective in composition courses.





CHAPTER 1. I Wasn’t Brought Up That Way: Where Home Culture Meets College Culture



                  Joseph H. Suina, “And Then I Went to School”

                  Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue”

                  Alfred Lubrano, "Bricklayer's Boy"

                  Rodrigo Rodriguez, "The Meaning of Work"

                  Thomas Oliphant, “Abandoned, but Not Alone”

                  Ron Suskind, “Let the Colors Run”

                  Making Connections

                  Exploring the Web


CHAPTER 2.  A Day in the Life: Opportunities and Challenges In and Out of the Classroom



                  Steve Tesich, “Focusing on Friends” 

                  Rebecca Dince, “Could Your Facebook Profile Throw a Wrench in Your Future?” (student)

                  Mindy Sink, “Drinking Deaths Draw Attention to Old Campus Problem”

                  Meghan Daum, “We’re Lying: Safe Sex and White Lies in the Time of AIDS”

                  Erin Mallants Rodriguez, “Universities Seeing a Gender Gap in Enrollments”

                  Martin Kramer, “Earning and Learning: Are Students Working Too Much?”

                  Making Connections

                  Exploring the Web


CHAPTER 3. Who’s in Charge Here? Exploring Self-Awareness and Personal Responsibility



                  Julie Gilbert, “ADHD: The Cloud Lifted” (student)

                  Jodi Morse, “Log on to Learn”

                  Ed Finkel, “Sticky Fingers on the Information Superhighway”

                  Paul Graham, “Good and Bad Procrastination”

                  Danielle Barbuto, “From Single Mother to Successful Student” (student)

                  Malcolm X, "Saved"

                  Making Connections

                  Exploring the Web


CHAPTER 4. Learning and Unlearning:  Reinventing Yourself as a Learner



                  Howard Gardner, “Multiple Intelligences”

                  Paul Roberts, “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words”

                  Mike Rose, "I Just Wanna Be Average"

                  Azar Nafisi, “Upsilamba!”

                  Sheila Tobias, “Symptoms of Math Anxiety”

                  Adam Robinson, “Take this Quiz! (Twenty Reasons You Could Be Working Harder and

                        Longer Than You Have to, Yet Learning Less and Receiving Lower Grades)”

                  Making Connections

                  Exploring the Web


CHAPTER 5.  Becoming an Educated Person: Intellectual Curiosity, Integrity and Critical Thinking in

                       College and Beyond  



                  Ronald Weisberger, “General Education and a College Degree”

                  Michelle Compton, “The Nontraditional Student in You”

                  Ria Overholt, “Vamos a Leer” (Student)

                  John Seigenthaler, “A False Wikipedia ‘Biography’”

                  Perri Klass, “Ambition”

                  Alexandra Robbins and Abby Wilner, “What is the Quarterlife Crisis?”

                  Making Connections

                  Exploring the Web




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