College Algebra, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (January 15, 2014) © 2015

  • Mark Dugopolski Southeastern Louisiana University
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With an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking, Mark Dugopolski’s College Algebra, Sixth Edition gives students the essential strategies to help them develop the comprehension and confidence they need to be successful in this course. Students will find carefully placed learning aids and review tools to help them do the math.

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P. Prerequisites

P.1 Real Numbers and Their Properties

P.2 Integral Exponents and Scientific Notation

P.3 Rational Exponents and Radicals

P.4 Polynomials

P.5 Factoring Polynomials

P.6 Rational Expressions

P.7 Complex Numbers


1. Equations, Inequalities, and Modeling

1.1 Linear, Rational, and Absolute Value Equations

1.2 Constructing Models to Solve Problems

1.3 Equations and Graphs in Two Variables

1.4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

1.5 Quadratic Equations

1.6 Miscellaneous Equations

1.7 Linear and Absolute Value Inequalities


2. Functions and Graphs

2.1 Functions

2.2 Graphs of Relations and Functions

2.3 Families of Functions, Transformations, and Symmetry

2.4 Operations with Functions

2.5 Inverse Functions

2.6 Constructing Functions with Variation


3. Polynomial and Rational Functions

3.1 Quadratic Functions and Inequalities

3.2 Zeros of Polynomial Functions

3.3 The Theory of Equations

3.4 Graphs of Polynomial Functions

3.5 Rational Functions and Inequalities


4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

4.1 Exponential Functions and Their Applications

4.2 Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications

4.3 Rules of Logarithms

4.4 More Equations and Applications


5. Systems of Equations and Inequalities

5.1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables

5.2 Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables

5.3 Nonlinear Systems of Equations

5.4 Partial Fractions

5.5 Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities in Two Variables

5.6 The Linear Programming Model


6. Matrices and Determinants

6.1 Solving Linear Systems Using Matrices

6.2 Operations with Matrices

6.3 Multiplication of Matrices

6.4 Inverses of Matrices

6.5 Solution of Linear Systems in Two Variables Using Determinants

6.6 Solution of Linear Systems in Three Variables Using Determinants


7. The Conic Sections

7.1 The Parabola

7.2 The Ellipse and the Circle

7.3 The Hyperbola


8. Sequences, Series, and Probability

8.1 Sequences and Arithmetic Sequences

8.2 Series and Arithmetic Series

8.3 Geometric Sequences and Series

8.4 Counting and Permutations

8.5 Combinations, Labeling, and the Binomial Theorem

8.6 Probability

8.7 Mathematical Induction


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