College Algebra: A Corequisite Solution, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 1, 2019) © 2019

  • Kirk Trigsted University of Idaho



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For courses in College Algebra.

Completely clickable eText with a consistent author voice

Recognizing that students start with homework instead of reading the text, Kirk Trigsted created an online learning environment that blends exposition, videos, interactive animations, tutorials and assessment, designed for the way students think and behave online. Part of the Trigsted Precalculus Series, College Algebra, 4th Edition is created from the ground up within MyLab Math. All exercises, feedback and content are written by the author himself, ensuring a consistent, reassuring author presence throughout and effectively fostering student interaction with course materials.

The Integrated Review MyLab™ Math course can be used in co-requisite courses, or simply to help students who enter College Algebra without a full understanding of prerequisite skills and concepts. Here’s how it works:

  • Students begin most MyLab Math with Integrated Review for Trigsted College Algebra, 4/e chapters by completing a Skills Check assignment to pinpoint which prerequisite developmental topics, if any, they need to review.

  • Students who demonstrate mastery of the review topics will move straight into the MyLab Math with Integrated Review for Trigsted College Algebra, 4/e content.

  • Those who require additional review proceed to a personalized review homework assignment that allows them to remediate on the specific prerequisite topics where they need help.

  • Students can also review the relevant prerequisite concepts using videos and Integrated Review Worksheets in MyLab Math. The Integrated Review Worksheets are also available in printed form.

Reach every student with MyLab Math

MyLab™ Math is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Learn more about MyLab Math.

About the Trigsted eText:

  • Special design considerations take into account that this eText was meant to be read and used entirely online. The eText is formatted to fit the screen without scrolling, and a cream-colored background enhances readability. Careful attention to detail throughout improves the reader experience.

  • Review links throughout provide just-in-time information in a way that does not distract from the concept at hand. Hyperlinks allow students to test their prerequisite skills and get immediate feedback, review vocabulary definitions, use multimedia learning aids, and refresh their understanding of prior sections when needed.

  • Interactive animations require student participation, reflecting the author’s belief that students should not be idle when viewing media, especially when it presents key concepts. All animations were scripted by the author to ensure a consistent voice.

  • UPDATED! Videos and Interactive Videos show the author on screen teaching important examples, concepts and procedures, making the text a more engaging and effective learning experience. Interactive videos periodically prompt students to make decisions during the solution process, engaging them in active learning.

  • My Task List is a learning framework to help students organize their time and study efficiently. When students click to “Start Homework” in the Trigsted MyLab Math course, students see a four-step learning process: (1) read the eText; (2) complete the assignable Reading Assessment Questions; and (3) complete the homework exercises.

  • REVISED! The Exercise Program has been expanded with over 1,200 new and updated exercises. Exercises help students make the most of their time spent on homework, and maximize the digital environment to increase conceptual understanding. All exercises are assignable in MyLab Math and appear in the printed eText Reference.

    • Reading Assessment Questions allow instructors to encourage students to read the eText by assigning conceptual and vocabulary questions. Students receive customized feedback on incorrect answers that include links back to the eText for easy reference.

    • Skill Check exercises help students make algebra connections when working within exercises that present new concepts. These appear at the beginning of the exercise set and are assignable in MyLab Math.

    • Step-By-Step Exercises require students to demonstrate their ability to solve more complex problems. Rather than asking the question in a way that allows them to plug an equation into a calculator, these new exercises break into multiple conceptual questions, so students need to think carefully and step through the problem-solving process. These problems are identified by an icon in the Homework and Test manager.

    • Brief Exercises are designed to test one concept in a multi-step problem to give students extra practice on the specific skills needed for more complex problems. These problems are identified by an icon in the Homework and Test Manager.

    • NEW! Drag and Drop Exercises are a new MyLab Math exercise type that allows students to drag items containing math expressions, words, graphs, or images from a starting bin into designated target areas. Students are asked to perform a higher level of decision making in their answers with these exercise types.

  • Integrated Review available for College Algebra, 4th Edition:

    • Trigsted’s College Algebra with Integrated Review, 4th Edition can be used in co-requisite courses, or simply to help students who enter College Algebra without a full understanding of prerequisite skills and concepts.

    • Integrated Review MyLab™ courses provide the full suite of supporting resources for the college algebra course, plus additional assignments  and study aids from select intermediate algebra topics for students who will benefit from remediation. Assignments for the integrated review content are preassigned in MyLab, making it easier than ever for instructors to create courses.

  • Instructor and Student support resources:

    • The eText Reference is a printed version of the eText, the eText Reference provides portability for those instructors who prefer a printed text for class preparation.  Answers to the end-of-section exercises are also included.

    • The Guided Notebook is an interactive workbook that guides students through the course by asking them to write down key definitions and work through important examples for each section of the eText. This resource is available in a three-hole-punched, unbound format to provide the foundation for a personalized course notebook. Students can integrate their class notes and homework notes within the appropriate section of the Guided Notebook. Instructors can customize the Guided Notebook files found within MyLab Math.

    • PowerPoint® slides provide an outline to use in a lecture setting, presenting definitions and key examples from the text.

    • TestGen® ( software enables instructors to build, edit, print, and administer tests using a computerized bank of questions developed to cover all the objectives of the text.

Reach every student with MyLab

  • Deliver trusted content: You deserve teaching materials that meet your own high standards for your course. That’s why we partner with highly respected authors to develop interactive content and course-specific resources that you can trust–and that keep your students engaged.

  • Empower each learner: Each student learns at a different pace. Personalized learning pinpoints the precise areas where each student needs practice, giving all students the support they need — when and where they need it — to be successful.

    • Skill Builder offers adaptive practice that is designed to increase students’ ability to complete their assignments. By monitoring student performance on their homework, Skill Builder adapts to each student’s needs and provides just-in-time, in-assignment practice to help them improve their proficiency of key learning objectives.

    • Getting Ready material provides just-in-time review, integrated throughout the course as needed to prepare students with prerequisite material to succeed. From a quick quiz, a personalized, just-in-time review assignment is generated for each student, allowing them to refresh forgotten concepts.

    • With Personalized Homework, students take a quiz or test and receive a subsequent homework assignment that is personalized based on their performance. This way, students can focus on just the topics they have not yet mastered.

  • Teach your course your way: Your course is unique. So whether you’d like to build your own assignments, teach multiple sections, or set prerequisites, MyLab gives you the flexibility to easily create your course to fit your needs.

    • Enhanced Sample Assignments by Kirk Trigsted make course set-up easier by giving instructors a starting point for each section. Each assignment, handpicked by the author to align with this text, includes a thoughtful mix of question types (e.g., conceptual, skills, etc.) specific to that topic.

  • Improve student results: When you teach with MyLab, student performance improves. That’s why instructors have chosen MyLab for over 15 years, touching the lives of over 50 million students.

The Integrated Review MyLab™ Math course can be used in co-requisite courses, or simply to help students who enter College Algebra without a full understanding of prerequisite skills and concepts. Here’s how it works:

  • Students begin most MyLab Math with Integrated Review for Trigsted College Algebra, 4/e chapters by completing a Skills Check assignment to pinpoint which prerequisite developmental topics, if any, they need to review.

  • Students who demonstrate mastery of the review topics will move straight into the MyLab Math with Integrated Review for Trigsted College Algebra, 4/e content.

  • Those who require additional review proceed to a personalized review homework assignment that allows them to remediate on the specific prerequisite topics where they need help.

  • Students can also review the relevant prerequisite concepts using videos and Integrated Review Worksheets in MyLab Math. The Integrated Review Worksheets are also available in printed form.

AboutMyLab Math with Integrated Review for Trigsted College Algebra, 4/e:
  • A significantly revised, robust Review chapter is included in the new edition, including 160 new or updated exercises and 34 new videos. Also, a new section in the Review chapter discusses Operations with Radicals (section R.5)

  • Chapter Summaries are organized by section and highlight important concepts and definitions with side-by-side examples and videos to make it easy for students to study key concepts. Chapter Summaries are assignable in MyLab™ Math, like a sample assignment.

  • The Exercise Program has been expanded with over 1,200 new and updated exercises. Exercises help students make the most of their time spent on homework, and maximize the digital environment to increase conceptual understanding. All exercises are assignable in MyLab Math and appear in the printed eText Reference.

Reach every student with MyLab

  • Author scripted Guided Visualizations bring mathematical concepts to life, helping you visualize the concepts through directed explorations and purposeful manipulation. Guided Visualizations are integrated into the eText and can be assigned in MyLab Math to encourage active learning, critical thinking, and conceptual understanding.

  • Video Assessment questions are assignable MyLab Math exercises tied to key video topics.  These questions are designed to check students’ understanding of the important math concepts covered in the video. Questions are assignable in MyLab Math.

  • Enhanced Sample Assignments by Kirk Trigsted make course set-up easier by giving instructors a starting point for each chapter. Each assignment, handpicked by the author to align with this text, includes a thoughtful mix of question types (e.g., conceptual, skills, etc.) specific to that topic.

  • Skill Builder offers adaptive practice that is designed to increase students’ ability to complete their assignments. By monitoring student performance on their homework, Skill Builder adapts to each student’s needs and provides just-in-time, in-assignment practice to help them improve their proficiency of key learning objectives.

  • Drag and Drop Exercises are a new MyLab Math exercise type that allows students to drag items containing math expressions, words, graphs, or images from a starting bin into designated target areas. Students are asked to perform a higher level of decision making in their answers with these exercise types.

Features of MyLab Math for the 4th Edition

  • Author-scripted Guided Visualizations help students visualize the concepts through directed explorations and purposeful manipulation. They are integrated into the eText and can be assigned in MyLab Math to encourage active learning, critical thinking and conceptual understanding.
  • Video Assessment questions are assignable MyLab Math exercises tied to key video topics, designed to check students' understanding of the important math concepts covered in the video.
  • Enhanced Sample Assignments by Kirk Trigsted make course set-up easier by giving instructors a starting point for each chapter. Handpicked by the author to align with the text, each assignment includes a mix of question types (such as conceptual, skills, etc.) specific to that topic.
  • Skill Builder offers adaptive practice that is designed to increase students' ability to complete their assignments. By monitoring student performance on their homework, Skill Builder adapts to each student's needs and provides just-in-time, in-assignment practice.
  • Drag and Drop Exercises allow students to drag items containing math expressions, words, graphs or images from a starting bin into designated target areas. Students are asked to perform a higher level of decision making in their answers.
  • New Mindset material has been added to the course in addition to assignable College Success Modules. This content encourages students to maintain a positive attitude about learning, value their own ability to grow and view mistakes as learning opportunities.

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Customize your course to teach your way. MyLab® is a flexible platform merging world-class content with dynamic study tools. It takes a personalized approach designed to ignite each student's unique potential. And, with the freedom it affords to adapt your pedagogy, you can reinforce select concepts and guide students to real results.

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