Cognition, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2018

  • Gabriel A Radvansky University of Notre Dame
  • Mark H. Ashcraft University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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ISBN-13: 9780137498451 (2021 update)

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For courses in Cognition
An accessible introduction to the study of cognition
Cognition provides a balance between classic research and current topics in the fascinating field of human memory and cognition. Using a first-person narrative, authors Gabriel Radvansky and Mark Ashcraft pose questions directly to readers, drawing them in and conveying the excitement of the field. Reflecting the increasing use of new technologies to study memory and cognition, the authors continue to integrate sections on neuroscience within individual chapters on a range of topics. The Seventh Edition has been updated with expanded coverage of important developments that are central to the field.
, Seventh Edition is also available via Revelâ„¢, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.

Brief Contents

  1. Cognitive Psychology
  2. Cognitive Neuroscience
  3. Sensation and Perception
  4. Attention
  5. Short-Term Working Memory
  6. Learning and Remembering
  7. Knowing
  8. Memory and Forgetting
  9. Language
  10. Comprehension
  11. Reasoning and Decision Making
  12. Problem Solving
  13. Emotion
  14. Cognitive Development in Infants and Children
  15. Cognitive Aging

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