CLR via C#, 4th edition

Published by Microsoft Press (November 15, 2012) © 2013

  • Jeffrey Richter
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Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime, C#, and .NET development. Led by programming expert Jeffrey Richter, a longtime consultant to the Microsoft .NET team - you’ll gain pragmatic insights for building robust, reliable, and responsive apps and components.
  • Fully updated for .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012
  • Delivers a thorough grounding in the .NET Framework architecture, runtime environment, and other key topics, including asynchronous programming and the new Windows Runtime
  • Provides extensive code samples in Visual C# 2012
  • Features authoritative, pragmatic guidance on difficult development concepts such as generics and threading
  • Part I CLR Basics
  • Chapter 1 The CLR’s Execution Model
  • Chapter 2 Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications and Types
  • Chapter 3 Shared Assemblies and Strongly Named Assemblies
  • Part II Designing Types
  • Chapter 4 Type Fundamentals
  • Chapter 5 Primitive, Reference, and Value Types
  • Chapter 6 Type and Member Basics
  • Chapter 7 Constants and Fields
  • Chapter 8 Methods
  • Chapter 9 Parameters
  • Chapter 10 Properties
  • Chapter 11 Events
  • Chapter 12 Generics
  • Chapter 13 Interfaces
  • Part III Essential Types
  • Chapter 14 Chars, Strings, and Working with Text
  • Chapter 15 Enumerated Types and Bit Flags
  • Chapter 16 Arrays
  • Chapter 17 Delegates
  • Chapter 18 Custom Attributes
  • Chapter 19 Nullable Value Types
  • Part IV Core Facilities
  • Chapter 20 Exceptions and State Management
  • Chapter 21 The Managed Heap and Garbage Collection
  • Chapter 22 CLR Hosting and AppDomains
  • Chapter 23 Assembly Loading and Reflection
  • Chapter 24 Runtime Serialization
  • Chapter 25 Interoperating with WinRT Components
  • Part V Threading
  • Chapter 26 Thread Basics
  • Chapter 27 Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations
  • Chapter 28 I/O-Bound Asynchronous Operations
  • Chapter 29 Primitive Thread Synchronization Constructs
  • Chapter 30 Hybrid Thread Synchronization Constructs
  • Index

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