Clinical Phonetics, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (February 5, 2018) © 2019

  • Lawrence D. Shriberg University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Raymond D. Kent University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Tara McAllister
  • Jonathan L. Preston


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For phonetics and linguistics courses.

A comprehensive intro to the art and science of applying phonetics to clinical transcription

Clinical Phonetics was written for readers who require phonetic knowledge and skills for clinical purposes in speech-language pathology. The text covers the basics of American English phonetics. It also focuses on clinical application with articulatory descriptions and speech samples from people with speech disorders or who use regional dialects.

The 5th Edition features insights from 2 new co-authors. It also offers more opportunities for clinical transcription, significantly updated content, and an improved organization to maximize clarity and ease of learning.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Material highlights various aspects of speech production.
  • Videos enhance students' understanding of speech production using modern technologies, including ultrasound imaging of the tongue, electropalatography, and spectrograms.
  • Opportunities for skills training with transcription experiences related to a full standardize test of articulation / phonology are available with Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns, 3rd edition (HAPP-3).

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: Authors, Tara McAllister and Jonathan Preston, bring valuable teaching experience and a keen interest in the application of phonetics to clinical education and research, to the text.
  • NEW: Material offers opportunities to practice transcription in the areas of diversity, motor speech disorders in children, nonwords, and more.
  • NEW or EXPANDED: Comprehensive content covers instrumental methods in phonetics that supplement listening skills; acoustic aspects of phonetics, with new illustrations; clinical directions in describing prosody; diversity and multicultural issues; and articulatory features of vowels and consonants, with new illustrations.
  • UPDATED: A streamlined presentation enhances the reading and learning experience. It includes more bullets to improve readability, new sidebars for supplementary content, and reorganized chapters for better flow of information.
  • About the Authors
  • Preface

Chapter 1 Overview of Clinical Phonetics

  • Welcome
  • Clinical Phonetics
    • The Knowledge Domain of Clinical Phonetics
    • The Skill-Based Domain of Clinical Phonetics
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 2 Linguistic Phonetics

  • Language, Speech, and Dialect
  • The Morpheme
  • The Phoneme
  • Spelling versus Phonetic Transcription
  • The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
  • Phonemes and Allophones
  • Phonetics and Phonology
  • The Syllable
  • Positional and Contextual Terminology for Phonetic Descriptions
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 3 The Three Systems of Speech Production

  • The Respiratory System
  • The Laryngeal System
  • The Supralaryngeal System
    • Velopharynx: Velum and Pharyngeal Walls
    • Jaw
    • Tongue
    • Lips
  • Technologies for the Study of Phonetics
    • X-ray Imaging
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    • Electromagnetic Articulography
    • Ultrasound
    • Electropalatography
    • Fiberoptic Endoscopy
    • Aerodynamic Analysis
    • Acoustic Analysis
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 4 Vowels: Monophthongs and Diphthongs

  • Vowel Articulation
    • Tongue Height
    • Tongue Advancement (the Front–Back Dimension of Tongue Position)
    • Tenseness or Length
    • Lip Configuration
    • Vowel Description: Tongue Height, Tongue Advancement, Tenseness, and Lip Rounding
  • The Front Vowels
    • Vowel /i/ (He)
    • Vowel /8/ (Hid)
    • Vowel /3/ (Chaotic—First Syllable)
    • Vowel /2/ (Head)
    • Vowel /q/ (Had)
  • The Back Vowels
    • Vowel /u/ (Who)
    • Vowel /7/ (Hook)
    • Vowel /o/ (Hoe)
    • Vowel /9/ (Hall)
    • Vowel /e/ (Hot)
  • The Central Vowels
    • Vowel /4/ (Hub)
    • Vowel /1/ (Above, Sometimes Called Schwa)
    • Vowel /6/ (Her)
    • Vowel /5/ (Mother, Sometimes Called Schwar)
  • Diphthong Articulation
    • Diphthong /e]/ (Bye)
    • Diphthong /9]/ (Boy)
    • Diphthong /e[/ (Bough)
    • Diphthong /3]/ (Bay)
    • Diphthong /o[/ (Bow)
  • R-colored Vowels
    • R-colored Vowel /e r/ (Far)
    • R-colored Vowel /9 r/ (Four)
    • R-colored Vowel /8 r/ (Fear)
    • R-colored Vowel /2 r/ (Fair)
  • Special Notes on the Phonetic Properties of Vowels
    • Some Cautions about Vowel Terminology
    • Tongue and Jaw Interaction
    • Lip and Jaw Interaction
  • Some Common Articulatory Modifications of English Vowels
    • Nasalization
    • Reduction
    • Other Modifications
  • Allographs of English Vowels
  • Frequency of Occurrence for English Vowels
  • Vowels around the World
  • The Acoustic Properties of Vowels
    • The Vocal Tract as a Resonator
    • Primary Acoustic Properties of Vowels
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 5 Consonants

  • Manner of Articulation
    • Stops
    • Fricatives
    • Affricates
    • Nasals
    • Liquids
    • Glides
  • Place of Articulation
    • Bilabials
    • Labiodentals
    • Interdentals (or Dentals)
    • Alveolars
    • Palatals
    • Velars
    • Glottals
  • The Voicing Contrast
  • Summary of Manner, Place, and Voicing
    • Manner of Articulation
    • Place of Articulation and Voicing
  • Allographs of the Consonant Phonemes of English
  • Frequency of Occurrence and Place of Articulation
  • Summary Classification of Consonants
  • Consonant Acoustics
    • Acoustic Features of Consonant Classes
    • Sounds in Sequence
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 6 Suprasegmentals and Prosody

  • The Units of Prosody
    • Syllables
  • The Prosodic Foot
    • The Intonational Phrase
    • Intonation
  • Stress
    • Lexical Stress
    • Stress beyond the Word Level
  • Timing
    • Tempo
    • Pause (Juncture)
    • Boundary or Edge Effects
  • Timing, Juncture, and Intonation Symbols
    • Lengthened [s iQ]
    • Shortened [w i W]
    • Close Juncture [e] d 8 d 8 t]
    • Open Juncture [1 n e] s + m q n] versus [1 n + e] s m q n]
    • Internal Open Juncture [l 2 t s h 2 l p R j 3] n]
    • Falling Terminal Juncture [t 7 d 3] T]
    • Rising Terminal Juncture [t 7 d 3] Y]
    • Checked or Held Juncture [t 7 d 3] U]
    • Selected Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet
  • Paralinguistics
  • Examples of Prosodic Variations
    • Motherese
    • Clear Speech
    • Other Prosodic Variations
  • Role of Prosody in Typical and Atypical Development of Speech and Language
  • Clinical Assessment of Suprasegmentals
    • Prosody Profile (PROP)
    • Prosody-Voice Screening Profile (PVSP)
  • Profiling Elements of Prosodic Systems—Child Version (PEPS-C)
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 7 Narrow Transcription

  • Coarticulation
  • Uses of Narrow Transcription
  • Conventions for Diacritic Marks in This Text
  • Onglide and Offglide Symbols
  • Nasal Symbols
    • Nasalized [b q! d]
    • Nasal Emission [s@ m e] l]
    • Denasalized [r q# n]
  • Lip Symbols
    • Rounded (or Protruded) Vowel [s w i$ t]
    • Unrounded (or Unprotruded) Vowel [h u% ]
    • Labialized Consonant [k^ w i n]
    • Nonlabialized Consonant [w& i d]
    • Inverted Lip [b* i n]
  • Tongue Symbols
    • Dentalized [w 8 dI ']
    • Palatalized [sO i l]
    • Lateralized [sP l i p]
    • Retroflex (or Rhotacized) [h e r c{ 5]
    • Velarized [f i l}]
    • Fronted or Advanced [p e E t]
    • Retracted [b qA t]
    • Raised [b 2F d]
    • Lowered [h 2G d]
    • Derhotacized [rK 2 d]
  • Sound Source Symbols
    • Partially Voiced [q b sL 1 n t]
    • Partially Devoiced [d 9 g:]
    • Glottalized (or Creaky Voice) [b e" k s]
    • Breathy (or Murmured) [p l 3Z] 8 a]
    • Whistled (or Hissed) [sC i]
    • Trilled [th rV e]]
  • Syllabic Symbol
  • Stop Release Symbols
    • Aspirated [t( e p]
    • Unaspirated [s t) e p]
    • Unreleased [l q p_]
    • Frictionalized (or Spirantized) [s tX e p]
  • Other Symbols
    • Synchronic Tie [d+z u]
    • Unintelligible Syllable [\]
    • Questionable Segment e| or =|
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter Summary Exercises

Chapter 8 Practicing Broad and Narrow Phonetic Transcription of Children’s Speech

  • Part A: Transcription of Vowel Sound Changes
    • Background Information
    • Training Modules
      • Vowels Module 1: Vowel Substitutions
      • Vowels Module 2: Vowel Modifications
      • Vowels Module 3: Central Vowels
    • Vowels Module 4: Vowel Substitutions, Modifications, and Central Vowels
    • Vowels Module 5: Vowel Additions
    • Vowels Module 6: Vowel Lengthening
    • Vowels Module 7: Vowel Nasalization
    • Vowels Module 8: Summary Quiz
  • Part B: Transcription of Stop Sound Changes
    • Background Information
      • Description of Stops
    • Training Modules
      • Stops Module 1: Stop Substitutions
      • Stops Module 2: Voicing of Voiceless Stops
      • Stops Module 3: Devoicing of Voiced Stops
      • Stops Module 4: Glottal Stop Substitutions
      • Stops Module 5: Stop Deletions
      • Stops Module 6: Frictionalized Stops
      • Stops Module 7: Summary Quiz
  • Part C: Transcription of Nasal Sound Changes
    • Background Information
      • Description and Distribution of Nasals
    • Training Modules
      • Nasals Module 1: Nasal Deletions
      • Nasals Module 2: Summary Quiz
  • Part D: Transcription of Fricative and Affricate Sound Changes
    • Background Information
      • Description of Fricatives
      • Distribution and Frequency of Occurrence of Fricatives
    • Training Modules
      • Overview
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 1: /f/ and /v/ Changes
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 2: /h/ Deletions
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 3: Voiceless and Voiced Interdental Changes
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 4: Fricative and Affricate Voicing Changes
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 5: Fricative and Affricate Substitutions
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 6: Dentalized Sibilants
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 7: Lateralized Sibilants
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 8: Retroflexed and Palatalized Sibilants
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 9: Sibilants Quiz
      • Fricatives and Affricates Module 10: Summary Quiz
  • Part E: Transcription of Glide and Liquid Sound Changes
    • Background Information
      • Description of Glides and Liquids
      • Distribution and Frequency
    • Training Modules
      • Glides and Liquids Module 1: Glide Changes
      • Glides and Liquids Module 2: /l/ Substitutions
      • Glides and Liquids Module 3: Velarized /l/
      • Glides and Liquids Module 4: Derhotacized /r/, /6/, /5/
      • Glides and Liquids Module 5: /r/ Quiz
      • Glides and Liquids Module 6: Velarized /r/
      • Glides and Liquids Module 7: Summary Quiz
    • Grand Quiz

Chapter 9 Preparing to Collect and Transcribe Clinical Speech Samples

  • Eliciting and Recording Speech Samples
    • Eliciting the Sample
    • The Recording Environment
    • Recording Equipment
  • Factors that Influence Scoring and Transcription
    • Client Factors
    • Task Factors
  • Approaches to Clinical Transcription and Scoring
    • Transcription and Scoring Systems
    • What Level of Detail Should Be Represented?
  • The Process of Scoring or Transcription
    • Should I Use Video Recording?
    • Should I Use Headphones?
    • Should I Preview the Recording?
    • What if I’m Not Sure What I’m Hearing?
    • How Many Times Should I Listen?
    • What Are Some Strategies for Difficult Words?
    • Some Final Suggestions
  • Conclusion

Chapter 10 Phonetics in the Clinical Setting

  • Single-Word Tests of Articulation and Phonology
  • Transcribing Nonwords
  • Two-Way Scoring and Deep Testing
  • Two-Way Scoring in Larger Speech Samples
    • Scoring /s/ in Continuous Speech
    • Scoring Rhotics in Continuous Speech
  • Transcription in Larger Speech Samples
    • Transcribing Imitated Phrases
    • Transcribing Read Sentences
    • Transcribing All Sounds in Continuous Speech
  • Transcribing Children with Motor Speech Disorders
  • Motor Speech Disorders: Imitated Single Words
    • Motor Speech Disorders: Imitated Words in Phrases
    • Motor Speech Disorders: Imitated Sentences
    • Motor Speech Disorders: Conversational Speech
  • Conclusion

Chapter 11 Phonetic Variation

  • Part A: Phonetic Aspects of Dialect Variation
    • What is Phonetic Variation?
    • Dialect as a Source of Phonetic Variation
      • Studying Dialect
      • Is There a Standard Dialect?
      • Why Do Dialects Differ?
      • Difference versus Disorder
  • Part B: Regional Dialects of American English
    • Southern Dialect Region
      • Location
      • Major Features
    • Western Dialect Region
      • Location
      • Major Features
    • Midlands Dialect Region
      • Location
      • Major Feature
    • Northern Dialect Regions
      • Location
      • Major Features
    • Dialects of the Northeastern United States
      • Location
      • Major Features
    • Practice Discriminating Regional Variation in Vowels
    • Regional Variation in Consonants
    • International Englishes
  • Part C: Beyond Regional Dialects
    • African American English
      • Origins of AAE
      • Features of AAE
    • L1-Influenced English
      • Working with Speakers from Unfamiliar Language Backgrounds
      • Spanish-Influenced English
      • Features of Spanish-Influenced English
    • Conclusion
    • Further Reading
    • Other Resources
  • Transcription Exercises


  1. Phonetics Symbols and Terms
  2. Distributional, Structural, and Proportional Occurrence Data for American English Sounds, Syllables, and Words


Answers to Exercises



About our authors

Lawrence D. Shriberg, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is Principal Investigator of the Phonology Project, Communicative and Cognitive Sciences Unit, Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. Shriberg's research is centered on genetic and other origins of pediatric speech sound disorders. Goals of the research using a framework termed the Speech Disorders Classification System are to develop behavioral markers that can be used to identify biomarkers and explicate the causal pathways of pediatric speech sound disorders. Recent emphasis has been on children with speech motor delay and children with apraxia of speech.

Raymond D. Kent, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has authored or edited 19 books, including The Acoustic Analysis of Speech (with Charles Read), Reference Manual for Communicative Sciences and Disorders: Handbook of Voice Quality Measurement (with Martin J. Ball), The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders, and The Speech Sciences. He served as editor of the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, associate founding editor of Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, and associate editor of Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. He currently conducts research on typical and atypical speech development with a clinical focus on children who have cerebral palsy or Down syndrome.

Tara McAllister, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at New York University. She has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles spanning the disciplines of linguistics and speech-language pathology. Her research aims to understand how articulatory and perceptual factors shape phonological development and disorders. She also directs the Biofeedback Intervention Technology for Speech (BITS) Lab at NYU, which develops and tests tools to provide visual biofeedback for persistent speech sound errors in children.

Jonathan L. Preston, PhD, is Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Syracuse University. He has coauthored more than 35 peer-reviewed publications, primarily focusing on phonetic, phonological, and neurobiological characteristics of children with speech sound disorders. In his current position, he teaches course-work on speech sound disorders, and he conducts research on assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders, including childhood apraxia of speech.

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