Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (September 12, 2017) © 2018

  • Robert C. Martin
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Building upon the success of best-sellers The Clean Coder and Clean Code, legendary software craftsman Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin shows how to bring greater professionalism and discipline to application architecture and design.

As with his other books, Martin's Clean Architecture doesn't merely present multiple choices and options, and say "use your best judgment": it tells you what choices to make, and why those choices are critical to your success. Martin offers direct, no-nonsense answers to key architecture and design questions like:

  • What are the best high level structures for different kinds of applications, including web, database, thick-client, console, and embedded apps?
  • What are the core principles of software architecture?
  • What is the role of the architect, and what is he/she really trying to achieve?
  • What are the core principles of software design?
  • How do designs and architectures go wrong, and what can you do about it?
  • What are the disciplines and practices of professional architects and designers?

Clean Architecture is essential reading for every software architect, systems analyst, system designer, and software manager -- and for any programmer who aspires to these roles or is impacted by their work.

  • Chapter 1: What Is Design and Architecture?
  • Chapter 2: A Tale of Two Values
  • Chapter 3: Paradigm Overview
  • Chapter 4: Structured Programming
  • Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming
  • Chapter 6: Functional Programming
  • Chapter 7: SRP: The Single Responsibility Principle
  • Chapter 8: OCP: The Open-Closed Principle
  • Chapter 9: LSP: The Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Chapter 10: ISP: The Interface Segregation Principle
  • Chapter 11: DIP: The Dependency Inversion Principle 8
  • Chapter 12: Components
  • Chapter 13: Component Cohesion
  • Chapter 14: Component Coupling
  • Chapter 15: What Is Architecture?
  • Chapter 16: Independence
  • Chapter 17: Boundaries: Drawing Lines
  • Chapter 18: Boundary Anatomy
  • Chapter 19: Policy and Level
  • Chapter 20: Business Rules
  • Chapter 21: Screaming Architecture
  • Chapter 22: The Clean Architecture
  • Chapter 23: Presenters and Humble Objects
  • Chapter 24: Partial Boundaries
  • Chapter 25: Layers and Boundaries
  • Chapter 26: The Main Component
  • Chapter 27: Services: Great and Small 
  • Chapter 28: The Test Boundary
  • Chapter 29: Clean Embedded Architecture
  • Chapter 30: The Database Is a Detail
  • Chapter 31: The Web Is a Detail
  • Chapter 32: Frameworks Are Details
  • Chapter 33: Case Study: Video Sales
  • Chapter 34: The Missing Chapter

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