Changing Planet, A, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (May 25, 2021) © 2022

  • Jason Neff



  • Inspire engagement through active learning
  • Provide an immersive reading experience
  • Assess student progress with performance insights

For courses in introductory environmental science.

A highly relevant approach structured around data literacy

A Changing Planet delivers an all-digital course that allows students to develop data literacy skills and check their understanding with frequent assessment. 20 chapters of individual topics are organized into succinct modules, giving instructors the flexibility to customize concepts for the way they teach. The “read a little, do a little” approach helps students arrive prepared for class, ready to engage in problem solving and discussion.

The 2nd Edition is updated across all chapters, and new features provide a hands-on approach to investigating data and solving problems.

Hallmark features of this title

  • 20 chapters of individual topics organized into flexible, self-contained modules allow instructors to easily assign topics that align with their syllabus and teaching style.
  • Content is presented at an appropriate level of detail for non-science majors taking the course.
  • Guided Data Exploration worksheets help students develop data literacy skills and challenge them to think critically.
  • Test bank questions cover each part of the Bloom's taxonomy scale and are organized by learning objectives, providing nearly 800 multiple choice, scenario-based and short answer questions.
  • PowerPoint lectures for each chapter present examples to illustrate key concepts and environmental issues and include embedded discussion questions.

New and updated features of this title

  • Exploring Solutions modules appear in six chapters and walk students through how to perform simple calculations around potential solutions to environmental issues such as, “How many solar panels are needed to power an entire town?”
  • UPDATED: Guided Data Explorations require students to manipulate data and develop quantitative reasoning and analytical skills. Each activity guides students' practice of data analysis skills using a series of multiple-choice auto-graded assessment items.
  • EXPANDED: Embedded assessments give students regular opportunities to check their understanding. The results enable instructors to gauge student comprehension and provide timely feedback to address learning gaps along the way. The 2nd Edition features a wider variety of assessment types, including multi-select and matching questions.
  1. The Science of Sustainability
  2. Environmental Policy
  3. Economics and Values
  4. Biodiversity and Evolution
  5. Populations and Communities
  6. Ecosystems and Biomes
  7. Biogeochemical Cycles
  8. Freshwater
  9. The Atmosphere and Air Pollution
  10. Oceans
  11. Climate
  12. Human Populations
  13. Land Use
  14. Agriculture
  15. Waste Management
  16. Human Health and the Environment
  17. Energy Use
  18. Nonrewable Energy
  19. Renewable Energy
  20. Science Fundamentals

About our author

Jason C. Neff is a professor in the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He received his BA from CU Boulder and his Ph.D. from Stanford University, and is a biogeochemist that has studied ecosystems around the world After many years working on studies of carbon and nitrogen cycling, land use change, wind erosion, and ecosystem modeling, Prof. Neff is now is mostly focused on technology innovation and use of geospatial and mobile technologies to support sustainable agriculture in developing economies. These efforts include programs developing mobile applications for land planning, geospatial analyses for use in agricultural planning and working on new ways to connect research to market-oriented innovation for sustainability.

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