Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (June 14, 2012) © 2013

  • Evelyn Thomson



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Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition, is designed to guide the development of criti-cal-thinking skills and the application of theory to care at all levels of dental hygiene education–from beginning to advanced students. This textbook is designed to be used throughout the dental hygiene curriculum. Because the questions and decisions regarding treatment of each case span the dental hygiene sciences and clinical practice protocols, this book will find a place in enhanc-ing every course required of dental hygiene students. Introducing this text at the beginning of the educational experience may help the student realize early on the link between theory and patient care. Students then progress through the program with a heightened awareness of evidence-based practice.

Students also perceive an increase in confidence regarding preparation for board examina-tions when they have been given the opportunity to practice case-based decision making. Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition, is a viable study guide to help students prepare for suc-cess on national, regional, and state examinations with a patient care focus. This revised edition also is an excellent review text for the graduating dental hygiene student who is preparing to take the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination.


Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition, presents oral health case situations representing a variety of patients that would typically be encountered in clinical settings. Of the 15 cases, 3 each represent the following patient types.

  • Pediatric
  • Adult-Periodontal
  • Geriatric
  • Special Needs
  • Medically Compromised

Each case contains the following patient information.

  • Medical history
  • Vital signs
  • Dental history
  • Dental and periodontal charting
  • Intraoral photographs
  • Radiographs

To guide student learning and to meet the needs of instructors who desire to assign questions based on the topic being taught, questions are subdivided into the following categories.

  • Assessing patient characteristics
  • Obtaining and interpreting radiographs
  • Planning and managing dental hygiene care
  • Performing periodontal procedures
  • Using preventive agents
  • Providing supportive treatment services
  • Demonstrating professional responsibility

Learning objectives help the student realize key concepts. Each learning objective is eva-luated through the use of multiple-choice questions expertly written in the format used for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination. Each question is identified as a basic knowledge level or as a competency level question, further guiding educators and students to use each case to maximum benefit at all levels of student learning. Correct answers and descriptive rationales for responses are provided for all questions, allowing the student and instructor to assess learning outcomes.

What sets Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition, apart from a basic board examina-tion review book is the inclusion of treatment planning Exercises and learning activities that chal-lenge the student to develop decision-making skills regarding patient care and treatment recom-mendations that promote oral health and prevent oral diseases. Students usually respond favora-bly to the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to fictional cases, and Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition, provides a stress-free environment in which to learn how to make increasingly competent decisions.

To provide a valuable resource for comprehensive cases that educators may use to guide students in developing critical decision-making skills continues to be the goal of Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition. This book was designed specifically to encourage dental hygiene stu-dents to base patient care decisions on knowledge gained in theory, therefore fostering in stu-dents an appreciation of the link between theory and clinical practice.

The following enhance this revised edition.

  • Continuing the intent of previous editions, this collection of cases depicts a cross section of today’s population, representing diverse age groups, ethnicity, and cultures.
  • An introduction chapter has been added on how to use the book for maximum results. This chapter introduces the student to the dental hygiene process of care and the fundamentals of setting patient goals. The steps for designing treatment plans are outlined in easy to understand terms. This overview provides the beginning student with the instruction necessary to imme-diately begin applying knowledge learned in the classroom to clinical situations.
  • A new sample case has been added to serve as a tutorial. Specific directions and learning tips guide the reader through the tutorial.
  • Throughout the book new questions have been added that are based on the three new format types for questions introduced by the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination since the publication of the second edition.
  • All case study questions have been updated based on evidence-based practices.
  • Exercises for making evidence-based decisions and using guidelines for risk management for oral disease such as caries and periodontal diseases have been added to the treatment planning activities to assist students with developing the expertise required for dental hygiene practice.
  • An ethical dilemma or ethical issue has been added to each of the cases to prompt critical thinking and decision making.
  • A companion website with additional exercises for students and faculty has been added.

Chapter 1 Introduction  How to Use this Book
Chapter 2 Getting Started  Sample Case Tutorial Margaret Snowden 

Chapter 3   Case A Maya Patel 
Chapter 4  Case B Zack Ware 
Chapter 5 Case C Andrew Christianson 

Chapter 6 Case D Katherine Flynn 
Chapter 7 Case E Louis Riddick 
Chapter 8 Case F Banu Radpur-Ansari 

Chapter 9  Case G Juan Hernandez 
Chapter 10 Case H Virginia Carson
Chapter 11 Case I Eleanor Gray 

Chapter 12 Case J Thoroughgood Epps 
Chapter 13 Case K Johnnie Johnson 
Chapter 14 Case L Thomas Small 

Chapter 15  Case M Nancy Foster 
Chapter 16 Case N Brian Bartlett 
Chapter 17 Case O Eileen Olds 


Chapter 18 Case Answer Discussion and Rationales 

Topic Index

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