Business Forecasting, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (February 8, 2008) © 2009

  • John E. Hanke Eastern Washington University, Emeritus
  • Dean W. Wichern Texas A&M University, College Station


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For undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Forecasting.

Written in a simple, straightforward style, Business Forecasting 9/e presents basic statistical techniques using practical business examples to teach students how to predict long-term forecasts.

For undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Forecasting.

Written in a simple, straightforward style, Business Forecasting 9/e presents basic statistical techniques using practical business examples to teach students how to predict long-term forecasts.

How do you emphasize the correlation between theoretical concepts and real-world applications? What types of projects, assignments, and exercises help reinforce class material?

Emphasis on the 9th edition has been placed on the application of theoretical concepts and techniques by incorporating end-of-chapter exercises such as:

  • Twelve additional cases.
  • Thirty two new problem sets.
  • Minitab Applications are presented at the end of each chapter with step-by-step guidance.
  • Excel 2003 Applications have been added to demonstrate how a forecasting problem is solved.


How do you structure your course to ensure students will successfully absorb the material?  Do students typically have a fundamental knowledge of basic statistics on the first day of class?

All chapters in this edition have been revised to enhance the clarity of the writing and increase teaching and learning effectiveness.  Six sections have been constructed which include:

  • Background material on the nature of forecasting and a quick review of statistical concepts.
  • The exploration of data patterns, averaging, smoothing techniques, and an introduction to time series decomposition in terms of underlying components.
  • Causal forecasting techniques.
  • Judgmental forecasting and managing the forecasting process.

How do you incorporate computers into the classroom to introduce business forecasting software? Are your students comfortable using Minitab, SAS, and Excel?

The authors have tried several different approaches to help faculty and students use the computer for forecasting.  This edition features the following:

  • Minitab instructions.
  • Excel instructions.
  • Three data collections are available on the Companion Website.
  • Examples of different computer outputs are place throughout the text.

New To This Edition

How do you emphasize the correlation between theoretical concepts and real-world applications? What types of projects, assignments, and exercises help reinforce class material?

Emphasis on the 9th edition has been placed on the application of theoretical concepts and techniques by incorporating end-of-chapter exercises such as:

  • Twelve additional cases.
  • Thirty two new problem sets.
  • Minitab Applications are presented at the end of each chapter with step-by-step guidance.
  • Excel 2003 Applications have been added to demonstrate how a forecasting problem is solved.

How do you structure your course to ensure students will successfully absorb the material?  Do students typically have a fundamental knowledge of basic statistics on the first day of class?

All chapters in this edition have been revised to enhance the clarity of the writing and increase teaching and learning effectiveness.  Six sections have been constructed which include:

  • Background material on the nature of forecasting and a quick review of statistical concepts.
  • The exploration of data patterns, averaging, smoothing techniques, and an introduction to time series decomposition in terms of underlying components.
  • Causal forecasting techniques.
  • Judgmental forecasting and managing the forecasting process.

How do you incorporate computers into the classroom to introduce business forecasting software? Are your students comfortable using Minitab, SAS, and Excel?

The authors have tried several different approaches to help faculty and students use the computer for forecasting.  This edition features the following:

  • Minitab instructions.
  • Excel instructions.
  • Three data collections are available on the CD included with this book.
  • Examples of different computer outputs are place throughout the text.


*An updated instructor’s manual is available online with the 9th edition.

*Data sets have been updated.

*A section on Cointegrated Time Series has been added to Chapter 8.

  • UPDATED! Emphasis on the 9th edition has been placed on the application of theoretical concepts and techniques by incorporating end-of-chapter exercises such as:
    • Twelve additional cases.
    • Thirty two new problem sets.
    • Minitab Applications are presented at the end of each chapter with step-by-step guidance.
    • Excel 2003 Applications have been added to demonstrate how a forecasting problem is solved.

Other Key Points of Distinction

  • UPDATED! All chapters in this edition have been revised to enhance the clarity of the writing and increase teaching and learning effectiveness.  Six sections have been constructed which include:
    • Background material on the nature of forecasting and a quick review of statistical concepts.
    • The exploration of data patterns, averaging, smoothing techniques, and an introduction to time series decomposition in terms of underlying components.
    • Causal forecasting techniques.
    • Judgmental forecasting and managing the forecasting process.
  • The authors have tried several different approaches to help faculty and students use the computer for forecasting.  This edition features the following:
    • Minitab instructions.
    • Excel instructions.
    • Three data collections are available on the CD included with this book.
    • Examples of different computer outputs are place throughout the text.

Other Topics of Distinction

  • UPDATED! An updated instructor’s manual is available online with the 9th edition.
  • UPDATED! Data sets have been revised.
  • A section on Cointegrated Time Series has been added to Chapter 8.

Brief Contents

  1. Introduction to Forecasting
  2. A Review of Basic Statistical Concepts
  3. Exploring Data Patterns and Choosing a Forecasting Technique
  4. Moving Averages and Smoothing Methods
  5. Time Series and Their Components
  6. Simple Linear Regression
  7. Multiple Regression Analysis
  8. Regression with Time Series Data
  9. The Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) Methodology
  10. Judgmental Forecasting and Forecast Adjustments
  11. Managing the Forecasting Process

Appendix A: Derivations

Appendix B: Data for Case Study 7.1

Appendix C: Tables

Appendix D: Data Sets and Databases

John E. Hanke Eastern Washington University, Emeritus

Dean W. Wichern
Texas A&M University

In the first eight editions, the computer was recognized as a powerful tool in forecasting. The computer is even more important now with the availability of powerful forecasting software and easy access to data via networking capabilities and the internet.

A nationwide research study of all AACSB member institutions conducted by the authors to determine what faculty do about using computers for teaching forecasting showed that (1) most forecasting faculty (94.2%) attempt to provide students with hands-on experience in using the computer, and (2) several statistical packages and specific personal computer forecasting packages were mentioned in the survey. The packages mentioned most frequently were Minitab, SAS, and spreadsheets.

The authors have tried several different approaches to help faculty and students use the computer for forecasting. This edition features the following:

  1. Minitab instructions presented at the end of most chapters.
  2. Excel instructions presented at the end of most chapters.
  3. Three data collections available on the internet (Minitab, Excel, other programs). Each collection contains data from the text examples and problems. Each collection also contains several new data series.
  4. Examples of different computer outputs are placed throughout the text.

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