Business Data Networks and Security, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (January 17, 2018) © 2019

  • Raymond R. Panko University of Hawaii
  • Julia L. Panko University of Hawaii


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For undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Data Communication / Networking (MIS).

Prepare for the modern workplace with networking and security essentials

Business Data Networks and Security guides readers through the details of networking, while effectively training them for the demands of the modern workplace. Focused on contemporary technologies, the text starts with the basics, including the Internet, security, and network design, and moves on to the latest in networking techniques and wireless networking, all while emphasizing security.

The 11th Edition helps readers form a firm foundation, with sound job-related training, in the context of the latest updates and advances in the field.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Security and threats coverage includes the plan-protect-respond cycle for corporate security management, security planning and protection-phase issues.
  • Covers how to analyze and design simple networks.
  • Microsoft® Office Visio is introduced for the creation of network diagrams.
  • Test Your Understanding questions, chapter-opening caselets, guided readings, and footnotes reinforce learning and comprehension.
  • Goes beyond basic topology and switch operation to cover topics such as link aggregation, the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, and more.
  • Includes the latest networking techniques, wireless networking, security, skills, and issues likely to arise in job interviews and on the job, including laying out an Ethernet LAN, Wi-Fi security, IPv6, SDN, and more.

New and updated features of this title

Keeps students up-to-date with new material and chapter updates

  • UPDATE: The Internet is discussed before single networks, and speed details appear in Ch. 3 to provide a cleaner flow of material.
  • UPDATE: Cloud computing has been moved to Ch. 11 because it primarily deals with application architecture.
  • UPDATE: The syntax of HTTP has been moved entirely to Ch. 11, the Networked Applications chapter.
  • UPDATE: Ch. 2 discusses the Ethernet II frame, not the 802.3 MAC Layer frame. Now that IP dominates at the Internet layer, it is Ethernet II frames that students must understand.
  • UPDATE: Ch. 3 now includes network management information and centralizes SDN information, which was spread across multiple chapters in the previous edition.
  • UPDATE: Everything in Ch. 4 has been updated, and the stateful inspection and next-generation firewall sections have been considerably redone.

Highlights of the DIGITAL UPDATE for Pearson+ eTextbook (available for Fall 2023 classes)

Instructors, contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course.

  • NEW: Along with other new coverage, learning advice has been added to improve students' grasp of networking processes (Ch. 1), multistep processes (Ch. 2), quality of service (QoS), and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)—arguably the most important trend in network design and management (Ch. 3).
  • NEW: More detail on cryptographic processes (Ch. 4)—including ciphers, cipher suites (selection and advantages), modes, length options, and ciphers for electronic signatures and the handshaking phase (RSA and Diffie Helman)—is reinforced by instruction on using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3, a key security trend in networking today (Ch. 11).
  • NEW: 2 major updates offer coverage of Wi-Fi security (Ch. 7, which includes WPA3, Enhanced Open, Easy Connect, WPA-Enterprise: Suite B, and protected management frame), and layered standards in the Internet of Things (IoT), which includes constrained IoT devices and networks; standards at the physical and data link layers; the physical layer (6LOWPAN, etc.); IoT security at the transport layer; and application layer IoT protocols (Ch. 7).
  • UPDATED: Coverage of obsolete OSI Layered Standards preps students for common interview questions.
  1. Core Network Concepts and Terminology
    • 1a. Hands-On: A Few Internet Tools
  2. Network Standards
  3. Network Management
    • 3a. Hands-On: Microsoft Office Visio
  4. Network Security
  5. Ethernet (802.3) Switched LANs
    • 5a. Hands-On: Cutting and Connectorizing UTP
  6. Wireless LANs I
    • 6a. Hands-On: Using Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector
  7. Wireless LANs II
  8. TCP/IP Internetworking I
    • 8a. Hands-On: Wireshark Packet Capture
  9. TCP/IP Internetworking II
    • 9a. Cisco’s IOS Command Line Interface (CLI)
  10. Carrier Wide Area Networks (WANs)
  11. Networked Applications

Online Modules

  • Module A. More on TCP
  • Module B. More on Modulation
  • Module C. More on Telecommunications
  • Module D. Directory Servers

About our authors

Ray Panko is a professor of IT management and a Shidler Fellow at the University of Hawaii's Shidler College of Business. His main courses are networking and security. Before coming to the university, he was a project manager at Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International), where he worked for Doug Englebart, the inventor of the mouse and creator of the first operational hypertext system. He received his BS in physics and his MBA from Seattle University and his doctorate from Stanford University, where his dissertation was conducted under contract to the Office of the President of the United States. He has been awarded the Shidler College of Business's Dennis Ching award as the outstanding teacher among senior faculty.

Julia Panko is an assistant professor at Weber State University. She received her doctorate from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research interests include the 20th- and 21st-century novel, the history and theory of information technology, and the digital humanities. Her dissertation focused on the relationship between information culture and modern and contemporary novels.

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