Building Classroom Management: Methods and Models, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2021

  • C M. Charles Emeritus, San Diego State University
  • Karen M. Cole University of North Carolina, Asheville

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ISBN-13: 9780136941170 (2020 update)

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Building Classroom Management takes a models approach to help you understand the roots of today's major classroom management concepts, terminology, approaches and strategies. The text details and analyzes respected models of classroom management from leading authorities, and then presents concrete ways that teachers can apply these methods and tactics. Step-by-step guidance, reflection and assessment activities, and real teaching perspectives further illustrate how educators can develop effective, well-rounded systems of management for any class.

The 12th Edition broadens the text's scope, integrating new classroom management terminology and research along with an entire chapter on the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) schoolwide model of management.

PART I: Building a Foundation
1. The Teacher's Role in Managing the Classroom
2. Taking Student Diversity into Account in Classroom Management
3. Classroom Management Concepts and Terms
4. The Development of Classroom Management

PART II: Classroom Management: Models and Methods

5. Insisting on Compliance: Ronald Morrish's Real Discipline
6. Taking Charge in the Classroom: Craig Seganti
7. Getting Off to a Good Start: Harry and Rosemary Wong on Preventing Management Problems
8. Time Use in Classrooms: How Fred Jones Helps Students Stay Focused and On-Task
9. The Power of Positive Choice: William Glasser on Quality Learning
10. Fostering Responsible Behavior: Marvin Marshall on Motivation and Student Choice
11. Working on the Same Side With Students: Spencer Kagan's Win-Win Discipline
12. School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports: A Data-Driven, Evidence-Based Approach to Whole-School Behavioral Management
13. Classroom Management for Students With Learning and Behavioral Challenges
14. Striving for Personal Excellence in Classroom Management


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