Autism Spectrum Disorders: Foundations, Characteristics, and Effective Strategies, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (February 24, 2016) © 2017

  • E Amanda Boutot Texas State University
  • Brenda Smith Myles


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A number of outstanding teaching and learning aids bring research and theory to practice:

  • Trends and Issues boxes review current hot topics in the field.
  • Diversity boxes look at research on issues of diversity in ASD to promote awareness and understanding.
  • Research boxes provide current historical research summaries that inform practice.
  • Chapter objectives focus readers’ attention on the important issues covered in that chapter.
  • Opening Scenarios provide real-world examples of core chapter concepts.
  • Key Terms focus students on important concepts in each chapter.
  • The Play chapter recognizes the importance of play in early childhood development.
  • The Sexuality chapter includes real life tips for teachers on how to address this sensitive issue.
  • The Motor chapter provides information and tips for teaching from the research that supports motor issues.
  • Expanded information on Environmental Supports provides research-based suggestions for everyday issues in the classroom.
  • Expanded information in the Academic chapter includes reading writing, and math tips based on research.
  • An expanded Transition chapter focuses less on theory and more on practical, real-world issues.
  • This edition adheres to current DSMV definitions.
  • Updated statistics and ASD information based on current research is included in all chapters.

Dr. Amanda Boutot is a Board Certified Behavior Analysis (BCBA) and the Graduate Coordinator for Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis at Texas State University. Her publications include Autism Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders (with Matt Tincani; Prufrock Press, 2009) as well as several book chapters and peer-reviewed publications.

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