Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4B, The: Combinatorial Algorithms, 1st edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (October 11, 2022) © 2023

  • Donald E. Knuth
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Preface v
Notes on the Exercises xi

Mathematical Preliminaries Redux 1

Chapter 7: Combinatorial Searching
7.2.2 Backtrack Programming 30 Dancing links 65 Satisfiability 185

Answers to Exercises 370

Appendix A: Tables of Numerical Quantities 656
Appendix B: Index to Notations 660
Appendix C: Index to Algorithms and Theorems 666
Appendix D: Index to Combinatorial Problems 667
Appendix E: Answers to Puzzles in the Answers 671

Index and Glossary 674

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