Applied Three-Dimensional Subsurface Geological Mapping: With Structural Methods, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (July 22, 2020) © 2021

  • David Metzner
  • Daniel J. Tearpock
  • Richard E. Bischke
  • James Brenneke



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Applied Three Dimensional Subsurface Geological Mapping: with Structural Methods is recognized worldwide as the most authoritative, practical, and comprehensive guide to structural mapping methods that result in valid three-dimensional geologic interpretation. For many years, it has been an indispensable resource for geoscientists throughout the oil and gas industries and beyond. Now, authors with over a century of hydrocarbon exploration and development experience have thoroughly updated this guide to reflect the field’s latest advances. They systematically present the field’s key principles and recent innovations, drawing on deep practical expertise to help professionals integrate all available geologic, engineering, and geophysical data to generate the most reasonable subsurface interpretations consistent with all available data, and build maps that successfully identify oil and gas reserves.

Applied Three Dimensional Subsurface Geological Mapping: with Structural Methods, Third Edition covers multiple aspects of geoscience interpretation, as well as the optimal construction of subsurface maps and cross-sections obtained from well logs, seismic sections and outcrops. This edition’s extensive new coverage includes:
  • Entirely new chapters on computer mapping, shale basin exploration, and prospect reserves and risk analysis
  • Coverage of important innovations related to shale reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing, deviated wells, and directional wells
  • Expanded coverage of computer geologic interpretation and mapping
  • Indispensable for all geoscience students who create or evaluate geologic maps and cross-sections
  • Thoroughly covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of geological mapping
  • Adds many new techniques based on the authors’ own pioneering research, and resolves multiple geologic/geophysical mapping controversies
  • Reflects recent advances in shale reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing, and deviated wells
  • Contains all-new chapters on computer-based mapping, shale basin exploration, and prospect reserves and risk analysis
  • Adds essential new coverage of seismic interpretation
  • The only mapping text by industry geoscientists who’ve all been involved in exploration and development for decades: people who do the same work as their readers
This edition includes three entirely new chapters on:
Computer-based mapping
Shale basin exploration
Prospect reserves and risk analysis

It presents several new mapping methods, and has been updated throughout to reflect recent technological achievements including shale reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing and deviated wells. Significant improvements include
Expanded discussion of computer geologic interpretation and mapping
Several new sections focused on directional wells.
Full color figures online, via Pearson’s Instructor Resource Center and
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Subsurface Mapping
  • Chapter 2: Contouring and Contouring Techniques
  • Chapter 3: Directionally Drilled Wells and Directional Surveys
  • Chapter 4: Log Correlation Techniques
  • Chapter 5: Integration of Geophysical Data in Subsurface Mapping
  • Chapter 6: Cross Sections
  • Chapter 7: Fault Maps
  • Chapter 8: Structure Maps
  • Chapter 9: Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data
  • Chapter 10: Compressional Structures: Balancing and Interpretation
  • Chapter 11: Extensional Structures: Balancing and Interpretation
  • Chapter 12: Strike-Slip Faults and Associated Structures
  • Chapter 13: Growth Structures
  • Chapter 14: Isochore and Isopach Maps

The late Daniel J. Tearpock was a noted scientist, teacher, and author of several popular applied books and papers on geological mapping. He was also an entrepreneur and led the international petroleum consultancy and training company Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC (SCA). He was the lead author of previous editions of this book and helped create the basics of correctly applied geological mapping technics and principles.

Richard E. Bischke, PhD, president of PCGS, has been involved with teams within major oil and gas companies that had discoveries from Louisiana and Venezuela to the Philippines. He has worked in 19 different countries and was previously chief exploration geophysicist at IntEx, LLC, and chief structural geophysicist for SCA.

James C. Brenneke is retired from Shell Oil (US), where he worked in research, exploration, and production; he also served in BP's deep-water Gulf of Mexico production organization. He now teaches SCA's Applied Subsurface Geological Mapping course.

David C. Metzner has interpreted thousands of square miles of 3D seismic data over a 38-year career exploring, characterizing, and developing petroleum reserves. He retired from Pioneer Natural Resources in 2019 and formed Crossroads Geoscience Solutions LLC, providing seismic interpretation, consulting, and mentoring services.

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