Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel, 1st edition

Published by Microsoft Press (April 19, 2017) © 2017

  • Alberto Ferrari
  • Marco Russo



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Step by step, students will learn how to transform simple tables into full analytical models of immense power. They will master data modeling through a collection of realistic scenarios of increasing sophistication. For each, the authors start with a simple "naïve" model that can't provide robust solutions. Next, they guide readers to update and improve the model, so it can deliver the knowledge and insights they really need.

  • Why data modeling matters, and how to make the most of it -- step by step
  • All the knowledge you need to transform simple tables into full analytical models: from practical scenarios and examples to advanced patterns
  • By two of the world's leading experts on data analysis with Microsoft technologies

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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to data modeling 

CHAPTER 2 Using header/detail tables 

CHAPTER 3 Using multiple fact tables 

CHAPTER 4 Working with date and time 

CHAPTER 5 Tracking historical attributes 

CHAPTER 6 Using snapshots 

CHAPTER 7 Analyzing date and time intervals 

CHAPTER 8 Many-to-many relationships

CHAPTER 9 Working with different granularity

CHAPTER 10 Segmentation data models

CHAPTER 11 Working with multiple currencies

APPENDIX A Data modeling 101

Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo are the founders of, where they regularly publish articles about Microsoft Power Pivot, Power BI, DAX, and SQL Server Analysis Services. Both Ferrari and Russo provide consultancy and mentoring on business intelligence (BI). They are also frequent speakers at major international conferences, including Microsoft Ignite, PASS Summit, and SQLBits.

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