American Short Stories, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (October 4, 2007) © 2008

  • Bert Hitchcock
  • Virginia M. Kouidis
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  • A print text

American Short Stories offers a discriminating collection of both canonical and recent stories in a brief anthology made all the more flexible by its streamlined apparatus. American short stories capture America’s past and present in a unique way.  Now students have an opportunity to immerse themselves in the more than two hundred year history of the American short story by reading the new eighth edition of American Short Stories. 

While retaining its historical thrust, chronological organization, and attention to “classic” works, the new eighth edition of American Short Stories features more contemporary stories, a greater representation of writers from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and more contextual information.


Preface vii

Section One

The First Century, 1820—1910 1

Washington Irving

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 25

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Birth-mark 46

Edgar Allan Poe

The Black Cat 59

Thomas Bangs Thorpe

A Piano in “Arkansaw” 67

Herman Melville

Bartleby, the Scrivener 73

Bret Harte

Tennessee’s Partner 100

Ambrose Bierce

The Coup de Grâce 108

Henry James

The Real Thing 114

Sarah Orne Jewett

A White Heron 133

Kate Chopin

The Storm 142

Mary E.Wilkins Freeman

The Revolt of “Mother” 148

CharlesW. Chesnutt

The Passing of Grandison 161

Hamlin Garland

Under the Lion’s Paw 174


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Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wall-Paper 186

William Sydney Porter (O. Henry)

The Ransom of Red Chief 200

Stephen Crane

The Blue Hotel 209

Suggestions for Discussion and Writing 230

Section Two

The Earlier Twentieth Century, 1910—1950 233

Edith Wharton

The Other Two 249

Willa Cather

Paul’s Case 265

Sherwood Anderson

The Egg 280

William Carlos Williams

The Use of Force 289

Katherine Anne Porter

The Grave 294

Zora Neale Hurston

The Gilded Six-Bits 300

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Babylon Revisited 310

William Faulkner

Barn Burning 327

Ernest Hemingway

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place 342

Langston Hughes

Thank You, Ma’m 347

John Steinbeck

The Chrysanthemums 351


Big Boy Leaves Home 361

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Petrified Man 394

John Cheever

The Swimmer 406

Barnard Malamud

The Magic Barrel 415

Suggestions for Discussion and Writing 428

Section Three

The Later Twentieth Century, 1950—1990 431

Grace Paley

Samuel 445

James Baldwin

Sonny’s Blues 448

Flannery O’Connor

Revelation 472

Ursula K. LeGuin

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas 489

Donald Barthelme

The School 495

John Updike

A & P 499

Raymond Carver


Joyce Carol Oates

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? 516

Toni Cade Bambara

A Girl’s Story 530

Bobbie Ann Mason



Nineteen Fifty-five 551


Hunters in the Snow 564


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Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried 578

Charles Baxter

Gryphon 592

Ann Beattie

Janus 605

Jayne Anne Phillips

Cheers 611

Suggestions for Discussion and Writing 612

Section Four

Into a New Millennium, 1990— 615

Deborah Eisenberg

Twilight of the Superheroes 626

William Gibson

The Gernsback Continuum 650

Ralph Lombreglia

Inn Essence 659

Walter Mosley

Pet Fly 677

Louise Erdrich

Fleur 689

Helena María Viramontes

The Cariboo Cafe 700

Gish Jen

Birthmates 711

Michael Parker

Hidden Meanings 724

Sherman Alexie

This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona 731

Jhumpa Lahiri

This Blessed House 742

Suggestions for Discussion and Writing 755

Credits 657

Index 659


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