American History Firsthand: Working with Primary Sources, Volume 1, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (October 17, 2007) © 2008

  • Peter J. Frederick Wabash College
  • Julie Roy Jeffrey

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Designed to give students an up-close and personal view of history, American History First Hand: Working with Primary Sources offers students the opportunity to experience written documents, visual materials, material culture artifacts, and maps–the materials historians actually work with to decipher the past.

Completely unique in this market, American History First Hand: Working with Primary Sources is innovative and exciting, allowing students to learn first-hand what history is and what historians actually do. In each volume, there are 12 archives, with each archive containing loose facsimiles for students to explore. In addition to the documents, students will also obtain a four-page introduction that describes the issues and themes of the folders. Pedagogical materials will help them explore the ramifications of these sources, as they practice the art of historical analysis.

  • The design of American History First Hand: Working with Primary Sources allows students to experience “real” historical evidence. While it may be difficult for instructors to send students to explore archives, historical societies, and museum collections, this exciting new collection gives students the experience and "feel" for the historian's craft.
  • American History First Hand: Working with Primary Sources contains a wide array of primary sources, which fall into three main categories: written and printed sources, visual sources, and material culture, or artifacts. Public and private letters, songs and sheet music, treaties, congressional acts, portraits, cartoons, film posters, family artifacts, needlework and more are included.
  • Extensive pedagogy includes an Archive Overview, a Timeline, Placing the Sources in Context, About the Sources, a List of Sources, and Questions to Consider.
  • Chapters 1, 5 and 7 have been extensively revised and updated with a variety of new sources.
  • New sources enrich topics and themes like cultural encounters among Euro-Americans, Native-Americans, African-Americans and Mexicans; gender, class, racial, religious, and regional diversity; daily life and work and marital conflict and intimacy, the challenges of nation-building and forming a common culture; and issues of American expansionism, imperialism, and war and peace, and the development of liberalism and conservatism.
  • Many “Questions to Consider” questions have been revised to guide individual analysis and encourage classroom discussion.

Archive One: European-Indian Encounters

1.1a Iroquois Indian origin story, no date

1.1b Arikara Indian origin story

1.1c Creation of the Yakama World, told in 1884—1885.

1.2 The Journal of Christopher Columbus (October, 1492

1.3a & 1.3b Engravings of a French encounter with the Calusa Indians in Florida in the 1550s

1.4 Print of Chief Athore and French explorer Laudonnière in North Florida

1.5a Journal extract by Jacques Cartier on meeting the Micmac Indians in 1534

1.5b Micmac chief ’s observations of the French, reported by Chrestien Le Clerq

1.6 Engraving by Samuel De Champlain, “Deffaite des Yroquois” (Defeat of the Iroquois)

1.7a  Letter by Capt. John Smith to Queen Anne, 1617

1.7b Remarks by Chief Powhatan to John Smith, c.1609

1.7c Engraving of John Smith taking Chief Opechancanough (“King of Pamaunkee”) prisoner in 1608

1.8a Letter by William Penn to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders

1.8b Painting of William Penn’s Treaty with the Lenape Indians,


Archive Two: Diversity in Colonial America

2.1a List of “necessaries” in migrating to Virginia, General Historie by John Smith

2.1b Diagram of a slave ship, filled for the middle passage

2.2 “A Mapp of Virginia discovered to ye Hills,” 1651, by John Farrer

2.3a Description of New York by Father Isaac Jogues

2.3b Private journal by Madam Knight on a journey from Boston to New-York, 1704

2.4 Description of Pennsylvania by William Penn, 1681

2.5a Legal statement by Pedro Hidalgo, soldier, Santa Fe, August 10, 1680

2.5b Testimony by Pedro Naranjo, Pueblo Indian, to Spanish authorities, 1681

2.5c Modern painting (1976) by Fred Kabotie, of the Pueblo Revolt in 1680

2.5d Mission of San Estevan at Acoma

2.6b Conversion narrative of Robert Browne

2.7 “A Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson,” 1682

2.8a Jonathan Edwards, selection from his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” 1741

2.8b Benjamin Franklin on religion, 1771

2.9a Church record of a marriage conflflict, Brooklyn, 1663

2.9b Trial of Elizabeth Clawson, Stamford, Connecticut, 1692

2.10a The laws of Virginia on interracial marriage and offspring, 1662 and 1691

2.10b Trial testimony, Accomack, Virginia, 1679


Archive Three: The Rhythms of Early Family Life

3.1 Map of Boston, 1770

3.2a Portrait of Paul Revere, 1773

3.2b Portrait of Paul Revere, 1815

3.2c Portrait of Rachel Revere, 1815

3.3 Revere family genealogical chart, prepared by Leslie Lindenauer for the Paul Revere House

3.4a Poem by Paul Revere for Rachel Walker, 1773

3.4b Two poems by Anne Bradstreet

3.4c Newspaper article about the expenses of a married life, Maryland Gazette, July 4, 1754

3.5 Legal indenture papers of Isaiah Thomas, June 25, 1756

3.6a Letter from Maria Revere to her mother, May 25, 1801

3.6b Receipt for John Revere’s medical school expenses, May 2, 1812

3.7 Legal inventory of Benjamin Curtis’s household, March 19, 1773

3.8a A child’s chair belonging to the Revere family, undated

3.8b A sewing desk, supposedly belonging to Rachel Revere, undated

3.8c A cradle made from a molasses keg, belonging to the Revere family, undated

3.8d A sampler made by Maria Revere Curtis, January 25, 1819

3.9b Pen and ink drawing of the Revere property, undated, attributed to Paul Revere


Archive Four: Causes of the American Revolution?

4.1 Political cartoon on the Stamp Act, “The Repeal. or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ-Stamp,” London, 1766.

4.2 Broadside on the Boston Massacre, “A Monumental Inscription on the Fifth of March,” 1772

4.3 Broadside on the Gaspee incident, “A Proclamation,” by the Honorable Joseph Wanton, 1772.

4.4 Broadside on the Boston Tea Party, “Tea Destroyed by Indians,” Boston, 1773

4.5a Political cartoon, “The Bostonians Paying the Exciseman, or Tarring & Feathering,” Lithograph by Pendleton, 1830

4.5b Political cartoon, “A New Method of Macarony Making as Practised at Boston in North America,” London, 1774.

4.6a Letter by Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, April 2, 1774

4.6b Political cartoon of “The Able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught,” May 1, 1774

4.7a and 4.7b Engravings by Amos Doolittle, “The Battle of Lexington” and “A View of the South Part of Lexington,” published December 13, 1775

4.8a Broadside, an American account of the battle of Lexington and Concord, “Bloody Butchery by the British Troops,” Salem, Massachusetts, 1775

4.8b Broadside, a British account of the battle of Lexington and Concord, “A Circumstantial Account of an Attack that happened on the 19th of April, 1775, on His Majesty’s Troops,” Boston, 1775

4.9a Legal deposition, “Paul Revere’s Deposition,” c. 1775.

4.9b Proclamation of Gov. Thomas Gage, June 12, 1775

4.10 The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776


Archive Five: Experiencing and Extending the “American Revolution”

5.1a Letter from William Sands to his parents, July 20, 1776

5.1b Letter from William Sands to his parents, August 14, 1776

5.2 Letter from a Revolutionary War soldier 1822

5.3a Letter from General Nathanael Greene to Samuel Huntington, President of the Continental Congress, March 16, 1781

5.3b British broadside, “By Authority,” March 26, 1781

5.4a Letter from Nathanael Greene to Catharine Greene, July 17, 1778

5.4b Letter from Nathanael Greene to Catharine Greene, October 15/16, 1780

5.5a Slave petition to the House of Representatives in Massachusetts Bay, January 13, 1777

5.5b Slave petition to the General Assembly in Connecticut, May 1779

5.6a Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, March 31—April 5, 1776

5.6b Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, May 7, 1776

5.7 Letter from Sarah Bache to her father, Benjamin Franklin, September 9, 1780

5.8a Broadside, “The Sentiments of an American Woman” Philadelphia, 1780

5.8b Woodcut, “Daughter of Liberty,” broadside, 1779

5.8c Engraving, “A Society of Patriotic Ladies at Edenton in North Carolina,” by Philip Dawe, London, 1775


Archive Six: Creating a New Nation

6.1 The Federalist No. 51, by James Madison, February 8, 1788

6.2 Letter to the Providence Gazette and Country Journal about the proposed constitution, October 18, 1788

6.3 Letter from John Adams to Mr. Brown and Mr. Francis, February 28, 1790

6.4 Copy of a letter describing the celebration at Rutland, Vermont, March 8, 1791

6.5 Engraving of John Adams, by Amos Doolittle, 1799

6.6 A Glass painting commemorating Washington’s death

6.6 b Song on the death of Washington, 1810—1814

6.7 Noah Webster’s textbook lessons on reading and speaking, in An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking, Calculated to Improve the Minds and Refine the

Taste of Youth (Newport: Peter Eddes, 1789

6.8 a “ ‘L’ Amerique’, or Columbia as Indian Maiden,” France, 1810

6.8 b Needlework of “Miss Liberty,” undated, artist unknown.

6.9 Letter from Dolley Payne Madison to Lucy Payne Todd, August 23, 1814

6.10 Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address, March 4, 1801


Archive Seven: Expansion and Cultural Encounters in the West

7.1 President Jefferson’s confidential message to Congress, January 18, 1803

7.2 Map of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1806

7.3 Map of Indian country, 1835

7.4 Lewis and Clark meet the Shoshone at the Continental Divide, August 17, 1805

7.5a Photograph of John Work, undated, photographer unknown

7.5b Photograph of Mrs. John Work with Suzette and David Work, undated, photographer unknown

7.5c Le Borgne, a Crow chief, talks about white traders, 1805

7.6a A Mexican official’s view of Anglo migrants into Texas [Mexico], 1828

7.6b A Mexican official’s view of the battle of the Alamo, 1836

7.7a George Catlin painting of an Assiniboine chief, 1832

7.7b Pastel drawing of clothing and animals, 1846—1847, Indian artist unknown

7.8 Letter from Marcus Whitman to Rev. David Greene, ABCFM missionary board, May 18, 1844

7.9 Letter from Mariah and Stephen King to their family, April 1, 1846

7.10 John Gast, American Progress, 1872, chromolithograph by George Croffut, 1873


Archive Eight: Changing American Socio-Economic Life, 1800—1860

8.1 A page from the newspaper Western Spy, December 28, 1811

8.2 Publisher’s preface to the Cincinnati Directory

8.3 Map of Cincinnati, 1842

8.4a Extract from the Cincinnati Directory, 1831

8.4b Extract from the Cincinnati Directory, 1840

8.5a Pictures of women and work in the metropolis, April 18, 1868

8.5b Commentary on sewing machines1859

8.6a Magazine article, “Female Workers of Lowell,” 1836

8.6b Magazine article, “A Week in the Mill,” Lowell Offering, 1845

8.7b Advertisement for Seth Low & Co., 1841

8.8 New York city ordinance on trash, 1839

8.9 Magazine article, “Woman–At Home,” in The Lady’s Book, vol. 2 (1831), p. 97

8.10 Letter from Guy C. Ward to Joseph Boyd, October 14, 1857


Archive Nine: Changing Views of Slavery: The Case of Enslaved Women

9.1a Print depicting the slave trade, frontispiece, Abbé Raynal, Histoire philosophique et politique: Des établissemens & du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes (1774)

9.1b  & 9.1c Photographs of slaves plowing rice and slaves picking cotton

9.1d Photograph of slaves on James Hopkinson’s plantation, in John Blassingame

9.2a Advertisement for a slave sale, Charleston, South Carolina,1768

9.2b Announcement of a slave sale, Charleston, South Carolina,1860

9.3 Advertisements offering slaves for hire, from Paris Western Citizen, December 17, 1852

9.4a Overseer’s report from Chicora Wood Plantation, July 18—24, 1858

9.4b Letter by overseer W. Sweet to Adele Petigru Allston, September 14, 1864

9.5 Painting, Slave Market, artist unknown, about 1860

9.6a & 9.6b Two poems, “The Slave Mother” and “The Slave Auction,” by Frances E. W. Harper, 1854

9.7 Slave narrative, “The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave,” related by herself, London, 1831

9.8 Slave Narrative, “The Story of Mattie J. Jackson; A True Story,” Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1866

9.9 Oral Testimony by an ex-slave, Ophelia Settle Egypt


Archive Ten: Perfecting America

10.1 From Charles Finney’s lecture to converts

10.2 Organizational records of the Dorcas Society of Cincinnati, 1816—1824

10.3a Painting showing a happy and abstemious family, around 1830

10.3b Painting showing the woes of liquor, around 1830

10.4a & 10.4b Temperance warnings on the effects of drunkenness, in Charles Jewett, The Youth’s Temperance Lecturer of 1841

10.5a Engraving, “Keep Within the Compass,” c. 1785—1805, artist unknown

10.5b Newspaper account of seduction and death, Cincinnati Daily Commercial, March 12, 1850

10.6 Organizational records of the Anti-Slavery Society of Leicester, Massachusetts

10.7 Membership certificate for the Lynn Female Anti-Slavery Society, September 20, 1836

10.8a Antislavery petition to the House of Representatives, September 18—19, 1837

10.8b Antislavery Petition, Blank Form, c. 1835

10.8c How to Agitate the Public Mind, 1841. The New England Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1841

10.9 Newspaper excerpts from the report of the Society’s visiting committee, Advocate of Moral Reform and Family Guardian, January 1, 1838

10.10 Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments, 1848, prepared by Elizabeth Cady Stanton


Archive Eleven: The Purposes and Meaning of the Civil War

11.1 Confederate Constitution, March 11, 1861

11.2 Letter by Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862

11.3a Letter from Guy C. Ward to Joseph B. Boyd, August 11, 1862

11.3b Letter from Charles Miller to Joseph B. Boyd, November 2, 1862

11.4 Letter from H. Ford Douglas to Frederick Douglass’s Monthly, January 8, 1863

11.5a Slave narrative, “The Story of Mattie J. Jackson: A True Story,” Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1866

11.5b Slave narrative of Annie L. Burton, “Memories of Childhood’s Slavery Days,” Boston, 1909

11.6a Letter from J. R. Underwood to Wm. H. Seward, October 24, 1863

11.6b Letter from Elizabeth Underwood to Thomas C. Cox, November 3, 1863

11.7 Sheet music for the song “The Vacant Chair,” 1864

11.8 Sheet music for the song “How Are You Conscript?” date unknown

11.9a Engraving, Burial of Latane

11.9b Painting, Prisoners from the Front, 1866, by Winslow Homer

11.10a Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, First Draft, November 19, 1863

11.10b Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865


Archive Twelve: Reconstruction: Clashing Dreams and Realities, 1865—1868

12.1 Painting, The Armed Slave, by William Spang, about 1865

12.2 Confederate song, “I’m a Good Old Rebel,” by R. B. Buckley, 1866

12.3 Legal form for the restoration of confiscated property held by the Freedmen’s Bureau, South Carolina Freedmen’s Bureau records

12.4 Black Codes [Laws] of Mississippi, 1865

12.5a Legal contract between Alonzo T. Mial and 27 freed laborers, 1866

12.5b Affidavit of ex-slave Enoch Braston, enclosed in letter from Chaplain L. S. Livermore to Lt. Col. R. S. Donaldson, January 10, 1866

12.5c Freedmen’s School, 1866, appearing in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, September 22, 1866

12.5d  Broadside, The Freedman’s Bureau, 1866

12.6 Letter from James A. Payne to stepdaughter Katherine F. Sterrett, September 1, 1867

12.7 Letter from a Mississippi black soldier, Calvin Holly, to Major General O. O. Howard, December 16, 1865

12.8 Letter from ex-slave Hawkins Wilson to Jane Wilson, May 11, 1867

12.9 Cartoon, “This Is a White Man’s Government,” by Thomas Nast, Harper’s Weekly, vol. 12, September 5, 1868

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