CHARLES TEMPLE is a professor of education at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, where he teaches courses on literacy, children’s literature, storytelling, and international education. He has written books on emergent literacy, invented spelling, writing instruction, language arts, diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities, and children’s literature, as well as books for children. He codirects Critical Thinking International, Inc., a nonprofit organization that does children’s book development and literacy work around the world.
DONNA OGLE is Emerita Professor of Reading and Language at National-Louis University (NLU) in Chicago, Illinois, and is active in research and professional development projects. She served as senior consultant to the Chicago Striving Readers Project, was CoDirector of the Literacy Partners Project, and codirects the Reading Leadership Institute. Donna also serves as a literacy consultant internationally and is part of Critical Thinking International and an editorial reviewer for Grupo SM in Latin America, The Reading Teacher, and the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. Donna is a past president of the International Reading Association (IRA) and an elected member of the Reading Hall of Fame. She is the author of many books, book chapters, professional articles, and curriculum materials.
ALAN CRAWFORD is Emeritus Professor of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. He has served as President of the California Reading Association, a Fulbright Senior scholar in Ecuador and Morocco, and a Researcher in Residence at the American Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan. He has done extensive teaching, consulting, and writing on teaching reading in the elementary school, especially for
second language learners. Alan has written curriculum for teaching reading in Spanish and served on the Editorial Review Board of Lectura y Vida. He served as IRA’s representative to UNESCO for many years and was a Senior Literacy Specialist at UNESCO in Paris during International Literacy Year (1989—90). He is currently a director of Critical Thinking International. He frequently presents seminars and workshops on a volunteer basis for international development projects in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
CODRUTA TEMPLE is associate professor of second language education at the State University of New York College at Cortland. She has coauthored two college textbooks, The Beginnings of Writing and Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction, as well as several articles and book chapters on literacy development in mathematics classrooms.