All Children Read: Teaching for Literacy in Today's Diverse Classrooms, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (February 27, 2018) © 2018

  • Charles A. Temple Hobart and William Smith Colleges
  • Donna Ogle National-Louis University
  • Alan N. Crawford
  • Penny Freppon


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  • Inspire engagement through active learning
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Text features and benefits include:

  • Six overriding themes that are critical in reading instruction today are interwoven throughout the book: Language and Diversity, Family Literacy, Writing and Reading Connections, the Struggling Reader, Phonics and Phonological Awareness, and New Literacies.

  • UPDATED: The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are emphasized throughout the book. In response to the CCSS, updates to this edition include:

    • Updated explanations of concepts about language to prepare teachers to teach foundational concepts for reading.

    • Expanded emphasis on teaching close reading for comprehension in the primary grades.

    • An appendix correlating chapters with CCSS pinpoints which chapters correspond to which Standards, and identifies what students should know and be able to do.

  • NEW: Separate chapters on teaching reading fluency and vocabulary have been prepared for greater coverage of both topics.

  • UPDATED: Updated content is provided throughout the book on teaching English Learners, along with an updated chapter on teaching these students in Chapter 14. There is an opening discussion in Chapter 2 on sociocultural and legal factors in teaching reading to English Learners, background content in Chapter 3 on the English language, and then subsequent chapters address the topic as appropriate, including those on assessing and teaching reading and writing.

  • UPDATED: An expanded focus on Response to Intervention (RTI) further explores this important initiative in practical ways in Chapter 2.

  • UPDATED: Coverage of new literacies is highlighted throughout the book to provide information about the impact of technology on the teaching of reading and writing.

  • UPDATED: Key terms from the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) are fully developed in the text and also appear in the index. In addition, major concepts related to the assessment of students are also developed to support readers in other aspects of the RICA.

Throughout the book, special features focus on issues of recurring importance to reading teachers and extend understanding of key concepts in reading instruction.

  • An Anticipation Guide at the start of each chapter provides readers the opportunity to assess their level of understanding prior to reading the chapter.

  • NEW: Learning outcomes open each chapter and are linked to the sections where they are discussed.

  • A Classroom Story begins each chapter. These vignettes chronicle a reading teacher’s experience in an active classroom and demonstrate classroom challenges and considerations for addressing children’s needs.

  • UPDATED: Developmental Milestones features provide at-a-glance summaries of typical behaviors in children’s development of emergent literacy and phonological awareness.

  • World of Reading boxes investigate a wide array of subjects as they pertain to the field of reading.

  • Teach It! Instructional Activities (Appendix B) are integrated and linked throughout Revel, and contain a wide variety of ready-to-use, classroom-tested activities for teaching critical concepts in literacy education. 

  • Differentiated Instruction features highlight ways to differentiate instruction so that all students are engaged positively and productively, acknowledging the increasing diversity of today’s students.

  • For Review sections conclude each chapter and offer a convenient study tool in the form of a brief recap of the most important topics covered.

  • For Your Journal sections offer ideas for using material learned in each chapter to inform development of a personal teaching journal.

  • Taking It to the World exercises challenge readers to apply chapter material to authentic classroom situations.

This title is also available with Revel access.

Revel™ is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel offers:

Dynamic content designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn that brings concepts to life.

  • Integrated within the narrative video exploration exercises empower students to engage with concepts by taking an active role in learning. Students watch brief video clips that illustrate, exemplify, or expand on key concepts and then respond to short-answer questions to apply what they have learned.

  • Located throughout Revel, quizzing affords students opportunities to check their understanding at regular intervals before moving on.

  • An Interactive Glossary helps readers keep track of important terms that are used throughout the book, enabling students to comprehend what they are reading while they are reading, without having to skip concepts they do not understand.

  • Highlighting, note taking, and a glossary let students read and study however they like. Educators can add notes for students, too, including reminders or study tips.

  • The Revel mobile app lets students read, practice, and study–anywhere, anytime, on any device. Content is available both online and offline, and the app syncs work across all registered devices automatically, giving students great flexibility to toggle between phone, tablet, and laptop as they move through their day. The app also lets students set assignment notifications to stay on top of all due dates.

Superior assignability and tracking tools to help educators make sure students are completing their reading and understanding core concepts.

  • The assignment calendar allows educators to indicate precisely which readings must be completed on which dates. This clear, detailed schedule helps students stay on task by eliminating any ambiguity as to which material will be covered during each class. When they understand exactly what is expected of them, students are better motivated to keep up.

  • The performance dashboard empowers educators to monitor class assignment completion as well as individual student achievement. Actionable information, such as points earned on quizzes and tests and time on task, helps educators intersect with their students in meaningful ways. For example, the trending column reveals whether students' grades are improving or declining, helping educators to identify students who might need help to stay on track.

  • The Blackboard Learnâ„¢ integration provides institutions, instructors, and students easy access to their Revel courses.  With single sign-on, students can be ready to access an interactive blend of authors' narrative, media, and assessment on their first day. Flexible, on-demand grade synchronization capabilities allow educators to control exactly which Revel grades should be transferred to the Blackboard Gradebook.

Key content changes include:

  • UPDATED: The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are emphasized throughout the book. In response to the CCSS, updates to this edition include:

    • Updated explanations of concepts about language to prepare teachers to teach foundational concepts for reading.

    • Expanded emphasis on teaching close reading for comprehension in the primary grades.

    • An appendix correlating chapters with CCSS pinpoints which chapters correspond to which Standards, and identifies what students should know and be able to do.

  • Separate chapters on teaching reading fluency and vocabulary have been prepared for greater coverage of both topics.

  • UPDATED: Updated content is provided throughout the book on teaching English Learners, along with an updated chapter on teaching these students in Chapter 14. There is an opening discussion in Chapter 2 on sociocultural and legal factors in teaching reading to English Learners, background content in Chapter 3 on the English language, and then subsequent chapters address the topic as appropriate, including those on assessing and teaching reading and writing.

  • UPDATED: An expanded focus on Response to Intervention (RTI) further explores this important initiative in practical ways in Chapter 2.

  • UPDATED: Coverage of new literacies is highlighted throughout the book to provide information about the impact of technology on the teaching of reading and writing.

  • UPDATED: Key terms from the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) are fully developed in the text and also appear in the index. In addition, major concepts related to the assessment of students are also developed to support readers in other aspects of the RICA.

  • UPDATED: Developmental Milestones features provide at-a-glance summaries of typical behaviors in children’s development of emergent literacy and phonological awareness.

  • Learning outcomes open each chapter and are linked to the sections where they are discussed. End-of-chapter reviews link readers back to where the information was presented within the chapter.

This title is also available with Revel access.

Revel™ is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel offers:

Dynamic content designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn that brings concepts to life.

  • Integrated within the narrative video exploration exercises empower students to engage with concepts by taking an active role in learning. Students watch brief video clips that illustrate, exemplify, or expand on key concepts and then respond to short-answer questions to apply what they have learned.

  • Located throughout Revel, quizzing affords students opportunities to check their understanding at regular intervals before moving on.

  • An Interactive Glossary helps readers keep track of important terms that are used throughout the book, enabling students to comprehend what they are reading while they are reading, without having to skip concepts they do not understand.

  • Highlighting, note taking, and a glossary let students read and study however they like. Educators can add notes for students, too, including reminders or study tips.

  • The Revel mobile app lets students read, practice, and study–anywhere, anytime, on any device. Content is available both online and offline, and the app syncs work across all registered devices automatically, giving students great flexibility to toggle between phone, tablet, and laptop as they move through their day. The app also lets students set assignment notifications to stay on top of all due dates.

Superior assignability and tracking tools to help educators make sure students are completing their reading and understanding core concepts.

  • The assignment calendar allows educators to indicate precisely which readings must be completed on which dates. This clear, detailed schedule helps students stay on task by eliminating any ambiguity as to which material will be covered during each class. When they understand exactly what is expected of them, students are better motivated to keep up.

  • The performance dashboard empowers educators to monitor class assignment completion as well as individual student achievement. Actionable information, such as points earned on quizzes and tests and time on task, helps educators intersect with their students in meaningful ways. For example, the trending column reveals whether students' grades are improving or declining, helping educators to identify students who might need help to stay on track.

  • The Blackboard Learnâ„¢ integration provides institutions, instructors, and students easy access to their Revel courses. With single sign-on, students can be ready to access an interactive blend of authors' narrative, media, and assessment on their first day. Flexible, on-demand grade synchronization capabilities allow educators to control exactly which Revel grades should be transferred to the Blackboard Gradebook.

Brief Table of Contents

  1. Approaches to Teaching Reading
  2. The Social and Cultural Contexts for Teaching All Children to Read
  3. What Reading Teachers Need to Know About Language
  4. Emergent Literacy
  5. Phonics and Word Knowledge
  6. Helping Readers Build Fluency
  7. The Importance of Vocabulary Development
  8. Reading Comprehension, Part I: Making Sense of Literature
  9. Reading Comprehension, Part II: Understanding and Learning with Informational Texts
  10. Critical Thinking and Critical Literacy
  11. Teaching Children to Spell and Write
  12. Assessing Literacy
  13. Integrating Language and Literacy Instruction Across the Grades
  14. Models and Strategies for Teaching ESL and for Teaching Reading in the Mother Tongue

Appendix A: Addressing the Common Core Standards

Appendix B: Teach It! Instructional Activities



Name Index

Subject Index

Detailed Table of Contents

  1. Approaches to Teaching Reading
    • Why Does Literacy Matter?
    • How Well Do Children in the United States Read?
    • Components of Reading Ability
    • Phases of Reading Development
    • The Recent History of Reading Instruction: How WeGot Where We Are
  2. The Social and Cultural Contexts for Teaching All Children to Read
    • The Social Contexts of Literacy
    • Planning for a Literate Classroom
    • Meeting the Literacy Needs of All Children
    • Response to Intervention (RTI)
    • Finding the Books and Materials TheyWant to Read
  3. What Reading Teachers Need to Know About Language
    • Phonology: The Sounds of English
    • Morphology: How English Words Are Built
    • Vocabulary: Words and Their Meanings
    • Syntax: Ordering and Inflecting Classes of Words
    • Text Structure
  4. Emergent Literacy
    • What Is Emergent Literacy?
    • Language-Based Learning and Emergent Literacy
    • Print-Based Learning and Emergent Literacy
    • Comprehensive Strategies to Nurture Emergent Literacy
    • Teaching Specific Skills
    • Environmental Strategies to Support
    • Emergent Literacy
    • Involving Families in Emergent Literacy
  5. Phonics and Word Knowledge
    • What Is Phonics? What Is Word Knowledge?
    • Words as Wholes: The Logographic Phase
    • Letter-by-Letter Reading: The Alphabetic Phase
    • Chunking: The Orthographic Phase
    • Meaningful Word Parts: The Morphological Phase
    • Word Histories and Families: The Derivational Phase
    • Helping Students Read Words in Context
  6. Helping Readers Build Fluency
    • Fluency in Reading
    • Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
    • Supporting Children’s Reading for Fluency
    • Practicing Fluency With and Without the Teacher’s Guidance
    • Embedding Repeated Reading in Performance
  7. The Importance of Vocabulary Development
    • What Is Vocabulary?
    • What Does the Research Say About Vocabulary?
    • Teaching Vocabulary
    • Teaching Strategies for Independent Word Learning
  8. Reading Comprehension, Part 1: Making Sense of Literature
    • How Students Understand Literature
    • Teaching for Comprehension: General Strategies
    • Teaching for Comprehension: Specific Skills
    • Close Reading
    • Assessing Comprehension
  9. Reading Comprehension, Part II: Understanding and Learning with Informational Texts
    • Characteristics of Informational Texts
    • Understanding How Readers Comprehend Informational Texts
    • Teaching Students to Use Features of Informational Texts
    • Teaching with Informational Texts
    • Classrooms That Develop Independent Learners
  10. Critical Thinking and Critical Literacy
    • Critical Thinking and Critical Literacy
    • Looking Critically at Works of Literature
    • Thinking Critically About Texts Other Than Stories
    • Teaching Strategies for Critical Thinking
  11. Teaching Children to Spell and Write
    • Spelling Development and Assessment
    • Teaching Children to Spell
    • A Writing Process in Five Parts
      Writing in Different Genres
    • Assessment of Writing
    • Writing to Learn
  12. Assessing Literacy
    • What Is Assessment and Why Do We Assess?
    • Approaches to Assessment
    • Terms Used in Testing
    • Assessing Emergent Readers
    • Assessing Beginning Readers and Beyond
    • Other Uses of Assessment
  13. Integrating Language and Literacy Instruction Across the Grades
    • Teaching Print Concepts and Phonological Awareness in Context
    • Teaching Phonics in Context
    • Teaching Morphology in Context
    • Teaching Grammar in Context
    • Teaching Text Structure
  14. Models and Strategies for Teaching ESL and for Teaching Reading in the Mother Tongue
    • Options for Teaching the English Language Learner
    • Major Principles of Second-Language Acquisition
    • Instructional Strategies for Second-Language Acquisition
    • Options for Teaching the English Language Learnerto Read
    • Mother Tongue Support in the Bilingual Classroom

Appendix A: Addressing the Common Core Standards

Appendix B: Teach It! Instructional Activities



Name Index

Subject Index

CHARLES TEMPLE is a professor of education at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, where he teaches courses on literacy, children’s literature, storytelling, and international education. He has written books on emergent literacy, invented spelling, writing instruction, language arts, diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities, and children’s literature, as well as books for children. He codirects Critical Thinking International, Inc., a nonprofit organization that does children’s book development and literacy work around the world.

DONNA OGLE is Emerita Professor of Reading and Language at National-Louis University (NLU) in Chicago, Illinois, and is active in research and professional development projects. She served as senior consultant to the Chicago Striving Readers Project, was CoDirector of the Literacy Partners Project, and codirects the Reading Leadership Institute. Donna also serves as a literacy consultant internationally and is part of Critical Thinking International and an editorial reviewer for Grupo SM in Latin America, The Reading Teacher, and the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. Donna is a past president of the International Reading Association (IRA) and an elected member of the Reading Hall of Fame. She is the author of many books, book chapters, professional articles, and curriculum materials.

ALAN CRAWFORD is Emeritus Professor of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. He has served as President of the California Reading Association, a Fulbright Senior scholar in Ecuador and Morocco, and a Researcher in Residence at the American Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan. He has done extensive teaching, consulting, and writing on teaching reading in the elementary school, especially for

second language learners. Alan has written curriculum for teaching reading in Spanish and served on the Editorial Review Board of Lectura y Vida. He served as IRA’s representative to UNESCO for many years and was a Senior Literacy Specialist at UNESCO in Paris during International Literacy Year (1989—90). He is currently a director of Critical Thinking International. He frequently presents seminars and workshops on a volunteer basis for international development projects in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

CODRUTA TEMPLE is associate professor of second language education at the State University of New York College at Cortland. She has coauthored two college textbooks, The Beginnings of Writing and Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction, as well as several articles and book chapters on literacy development in mathematics classrooms.

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