Agile Project Management with Kanban, 1st edition

Published by Microsoft Press (March 16, 2015) © 2015

  • Eric Brechner



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Think, “Kanban in a box.” Imagine you ordered Kanban for your team, and got the box delivered to your door. You open the box and right on top is a quick-start guide. Being a novice, you follow the guide, and quickly get up and running. As you become more experienced, the other box contents address common advanced issues you’d face, like right-sizing teams, estimation, hitting deadlines, transitioning from Scrum or Waterfall, deploying components and services, and using Kanban within larger organizations.

  • Real-world experience from a direct practitioner working on Xbox and 
  • A concise, pragmatic, and easy-to-read guide with clear, fresh, and hard-won guidance
  • Using Kanban within larger organizations — how to deal with upper management, planning, and dependencies 
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Getting management consent  
  • Chapter 2: Kanban quick-start guide   
  • Chapter 3: Hitting deadlines    
  • Chapter 4: Adapting from Waterfall   
  • Chapter 5: Evolving from Scrum   
  • Chapter 6: Deploying components, apps, and services   
  • Chapter 7: Using Kanban within large organizations   
  • Chapter 8: Sustained engineering  
  • Chapter 9: Further resources and beyond   
  • Index    
  • About the author

Eric Brechner is the development manager for Microsoft’s Xbox Engineering Services team. At Microsoft, he has also been development manager for, engineering learning and development, and Office Media Store. He has previously worked at Boeing, Silicon Graphics, Graftek, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The author of a book and blog on software best practices (as I. M. Wright), he holds eight patents and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics.

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