Advocacy and Opposition: An Introduction to Argumentation, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2012

  • Karyn Charles Rybacki Northern Michigan University
  • Donald Jay Rybacki Northern Michigan University

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ISBN-13: 9780137558339 (2021 update)

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Advocacy and Opposition presents a comprehensive and practical approach to argumentation and critical thinking for the beginner who needs to construct and present arguments on questions of fact, value and policy.

Table of Contents

  1. What is argumentation?
    • The nature of argumentation
    • The nature of the audience
    • The historical development of argumentation
    • Ethical standards for argumentation
  2. Where do I begin in argumentation?
    • Fields of argumentation
    • Presumption
    • Burden of proof
    • The prima facie case
  3. What am I going to argue about?
    • The nature of propositions
    • The classification of propositions
    • Phrasing the proposition
    • Defining key terms
  4. How do I analyze propositions?
    • Locating the immediate cause
    • Investigating history
    • Defining key terms and creating the primary inference
    • Determining the issues
  5. How is a unit of argument created?
    • The Toulmin model of argument
  6. How do I prove my argument?
    • The discovery of evidence
    • Types and tests of evidence
    • Recording evidence
  7. How do I reason with my audience?
    • Argument from cause
    • Argument from sign
    • Argument from generalization
    • Argument from parallel case
    • Argument from analogy
    • Argument from authority
    • Argument from dilemma
  8. What should I avoid?
    • Fallacies of reasoning
    • Fallacies of appeal
    • Fallacies of language
  9. How are factual propositions argued?
    • Advocating propositions of fact
    • Opposing propositions of fact
  10. How are value propositions argued?
    • The nature of values
    • Advocating propositions of value
    • Opposing propositions of value
  11. How are policy propositions argued?
    • Advocating propositions of policy
    • Opposing propositions of policy

Appendix A: What are the rules of the game?

  • Debate formats
  • Speaker responsibilities
  • Flow sheeting



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