1. Effects and Sources of Air Pollutants.
Introduction. Air Pollution. Episodes. General Nature of Air Pollution Problems. Definition and General Listing of Air Pollutants. Particulate Matter. Carbon Monoxide. Sulfur Oxides. Effects of Hydrocarbons, Oxides of Nitrogen, Photo Chemical Oxidants, Lead and other metals. Sources of Air Pollutants. Global Issues Related to Air Pollution. Air Pollution and Internet Resources.
2. Federal Legislation and Regulatory Trends.
Introduction. The History of Federally Enacted Laws. The Clean Air Amendments Act of 1970. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 and Prevention of Significant Deterioration. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Ambient Concentrations of Air Toxics
3. Meteorology.
Introduction. Solar Radiation. Wind Circulation. Lapse Rate. Stability Conditions. Wind Velocity Profile. Maximum Mixing Depth. Wind Rose. Turbulence. General Characteristics of Stack Plumes.
4. Dispersion of Pollutants in the Atmosphere.
Introduction. The Eddy Diffusion Model. The Gaussian or Normal Distribution. The Gaussian Dispersion Model. Evaluation of the Standard Deviations. The Maximum Ground-Level In-Line Concentration. Calculations of the Effective Stack Height. Some Other Considerations Regarding. Gaseous Dispersion
5. Particulate Control.
Introduction. Distribution and Sources of. Particulate Matter. Particulate Collection Efficiency. Particulate Distribution. Terminal or Settling Velocity. Deposition of Particles from Stacks. Hood and Duct Design. Particulate Collection Mechanism. Particulate Control Equipment. Comparison of Particulate Control Equipment.
6. General Control of Gases and Vapors.
Introduction. Absorption. Combustion. Fundamentals of Chemical Kinetics. Formation and Control of Carbon Monoxide. Incineration of Afterburning. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis in Afterburning Processes. Incineration of Waste.
7. Control of Sulfur Oxides and other Acid Gases.
Introduction. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Sulfur Oxide Formation. General Control Methods. Flue-Gas Desulfurization Processes.
8. Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Stationary Sources.
Introduction. Sources and Concentrations of Nox. Thermodynamics of NO and NO2 Formation. Kinetics of Nitric Oxide Formation in Combustion Processes. NOx Formation from Fuel Nitrogen. Combustion Control Methods for Ox from Stationary Sources. Flue-Gas Control Methods for NOx
9. Atmospheric Photochemical Reaction.
Introduction. Thermodynamics of Photochemical Reactions. Monatomic Oxygen and Ozone Formation. Role of Oxides of Nitrogen in Photooxidation. Hydrocarbons in Atmospheric Photochemistry. Hydrocarbon Reactivity. Development of Control Strategies. Daily History of Pollutants in Photochemical Smog.
10. Mobile Sources.
Introduction. Status of Vehicle Usage and Emissions. Emission Standards for Automobiles. Gasoline. Origin of Exhaust Emissions from Gasoline Engines. Crankease and Evaporative Emissions. Emission Reduction using External Reactors. Future Directions of Emissions Controls on Gasoline Engines. Emission Reduction by Fuel Changes. Diesel Engine Emissions. Emission Models for Tailpipe and Evaporative Emissions.