Proactive Police Management, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (April 18, 2014) © 2015

  • Edward A. Thibault
  • Lawrence M. Lynch
  • Bruce R. McBride
  • Gregory Walsh
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Chapter 1       Historical Perspective

Chapter 2       Police Culture

Chapter 3       The Art and Style of Proactive Police Leadership

Chapter 4       Purposes and Principles of Police Organizations

Chapter 5       Operating Principles

Chapter 6       Proactive Communication and Information Management

Chapter 7       Proactive Police Technology for the Twenty-First Century

Chapter 8       Patrol Operations and Community Policing

Chapter 9       Basic Line Functions

Chapter 10     Administrative/Staff Functions

Chapter 11     Auxiliary Functions

Chapter 12     Human Resources Management

Chapter 13     Training

Chapter 14     Proactive Planning

Chapter 15     Collective Bargaining and Police Management

Chapter 16     The Future of Proactive Police Management

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