Texas Experience, The: Lone Star Politics, Policy, and Participation, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 19, 2019) © 2020

  • Texas Tribune
  • Paul Benson Tarrant County College
  • Anthony Giardino Tarrant County College
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The Texas Experience: Lone Star Politics, Policy, and Participation provides an overview of government, the Texas way. This fresh, innovative text was created in partnership with award-winning, digital-first media organization The Texas Tribune to help the next generation of Texas voters become informed, educated and civically engaged. Captivating features promote increased voter participation and greater accountability to policy and government.

Throughout this engaging text, the authors bring the fast-paced, ever-changing world of Texas law, leadership and politics to life. From Lyndon Johnson to the Bush dynasty to the events that are unfolding today, Texas has defined American government. It's time you and your peers helped define Texas government.

  1. Texas Society and Political Culture
  2. Federalism and the Texas Constitution
  3. Voting and Elections in Texas
  4. Political Parties in Texas
  5. Interest Groups in Texas Politics
  6. The Media and Public Opinion in Texas
  7. The Texas Legislature
  8. The Governor in Texas
  9. The Plural Executive and the Bureaucracy in Texas
  10. The Texas Courts System
  11. Local and County Governments and Special Districts in Texas
  12. Criminal Justice Policy in Texas
  13. Public Policy, Finance, and Budgeting in Texas

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