Biology: The Core, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (January 28, 2019) © 2020

  • Eric J. Simon New England College
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Biology: The Core was designed from the ground up to help you learn efficiently and succeed in this course. Only the core of biology content is included. These biological concepts are displayed in highly visual, consistent, and approachable 2-page modules that guide you along a clear learning path, so that reading your textbook is more a pleasure than a chore.

The 3rd Edition addresses issues like nutrition, cancer, vaccines and genetically modified foods that directly affect you and those you care about, helping you to see how biology is relevant to your life. Other modules help you critically evaluate the scientific-sounding claims that constantly bombard you, and how to distinguish valid claims from bogus ones. The Core strives to meet your goals and act as a guide for this course while addressing questions you encounter in your broader life.

  1. An Introduction to the Science of Life
  2. The Chemistry of Life
  3. The Cell: The Fundamental Unit of Life
  4. Energy and Life
  5. Chromosomes and Inheritance
  6. DNA: Molecule of Life
  7. Darwinian Evolution
  8. Biodiversity 1: Microscopic Organisms
  9. Biodiversity 2: Fungi and Plants
  10. Biodiversity 3: Animals
  11. Human Body Systems
  12. Ecology

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