Education of the Gifted and Talented, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (June 11, 2021) © 2018

  • Sylvia B. Rimm Case Western Reserve University
  • Del B. Siegle University of Connecticut
  • Gary A. Davis University of Wisconsin
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1. Gifted Education: Matching Instruction with Needs
2. Characteristics of Gifted Students
3. Identifying Gifted and Talented Students
4. Program Planning
5. Acceleration
6. Grouping, Differentiation, and Enrichment
7. Curriculum Models
8. Creativity I: The Creative Person, Creative Process, and Creative Dramatics
9. Creativity II: Teaching for Creative Growth
10. Teaching Thinking Skills
11. Leadership, Affective Learning, and Character Education
12. Underachievement: Identification and Reversal
13. Cultural Diversity and Economic Disadvantage: The Invisible Gifted
14. Gifted Girls, Gifted Boys
15. Gifted Children with Disabilities
16. Parenting the Gifted Child
17. Understanding and Counseling Gifted Students
18. Program Evaluation



1. Gifted Education: Matching Instruction with Needs
History of Giftedness and Gifted Education
Contemporary History of Gifted Education
National Center for Research on Gifted Education
Definitions of Giftedness
Explanations and Interpretations of Giftedness and Intelligence

2. Characteristics of Gifted Students
The Terman Studies
Traits of Intellectually Gifted Children
Affective Characteristics
Characteristics of the Creatively Gifted
Characteristics of Historically Eminent Persons
Characteristics of Teachers of the Gifted

3. Identifying Gifted and Talented Students
Thoughts and Issues in Identification
National Report on Identification
Identification Methods
Assessment of Gardner's Eight Intelligences
Triarchic Abilities Test
A Multidimensional Culture-Fair Assessment Strategy
Talent Pool Identification Plan: Renzulli
Identifying Gifted Preschoolers
Identifying Gifted Secondary Students
Recommendations from the National Report on Identification and NRC/GT
Considering the Goals of Identification
Appendix 3.1: NAGC Position Statement
Appendix 3.2: Spanish Edition of Rimm's (1976) GIFT Creativity Inventory
Appendix 3.3: Teacher Nomination Form
Appendix 3.4: Teacher Nomination Form
Appendix 3.5: Sample Parent Nomination Form
Appendix 3.6: Student Product Assessment Form
Appendix 3.7: Rubrics for Verbal and Problem-Solving Tasks
Appendix 3.8: Scales for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students

4. Program Planning
Main Components of Program Planning
Program Planning: Sixteen Areas
The View from the School Board
Perspectives of Other Teachers
Curriculum Considerations
Legal Issues in Gifted Education
Appendix 4.1: Ideas for Statements of Philosophy, Rationale, and Objectives
Appendix 4.2: National Standards for Preparation of Teachers of the Gifted

5. Acceleration
Acceleration versus Enrichment
A Nation Deceived and a Nation Empowered -- Definitive Research on Acceleration
Types of Acceleration
Grade Skipping
Subject Skipping and Acceleration
Early Admission to Middle or Senior High School
Credit by Examination
College Courses in High School
Advanced Placement
Distance Learning
Telescoped Programs
Early Admission to College
Residential High Schools
International Baccalaureate Programs
Talent Search Programs
Appendix 5.1: College Board Offices
Appendix 5.2: Talent Search and Elementary Talent Search Programs

6. Grouping, Differentiation, and Enrichment
Grouping Options: Bringing Gifted Students Together
Independent Study, Research, and Art Projects
Learning Centers
Field Trips
Saturday Programs
Summer Programs
Mentors and Mentorships
Junior Great Books
Technology and the Gifted
Comments on Grouping, Differentiation, and Enrichment
Appendix 6.1: Places That Publish Student Work

7. Curriculum Models
Schoolwide Enrichment Model: Renzulli and Reis
Autonomous Learner Model: Betts
Advanced Academic Program Development Model: Peters, Matthews, McBee, and McCoach
Purdue Three-Stage Enrichment Model: Feldhusen et al.
Parallel Curriculum Model: Tomlinson, Kaplan, Renzulli, Purcell, Leppien, and Burns
Multiple Menu Model: Renzulli
Integrated Curriculum Model: VanTassel-Baska
Mentoring Mathematical Minds Model: Gavin et al.
The Grid: Constructing Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted: Kaplan
CLEAR Model: Callahan et al.

8. Creativity I: The Creative Person, Creative Process, and Creative Dramatics
Theories of Creativity
Levels of Creativity
Creative Persons
Creative Abilities
The Creative Process
The Creative Process as a Change in Perception
Creative Dramatics

9. Creativity II: Teaching for Creative Growth
Can Creativity Be Taught?
Goals of Creativity Training
Creativity Consciousness, Creative Attitudes, and Creative Personality Traits
Understanding the Topic of Creativity
Strengthening Creative Abilities
Personal Creative Thinking Techniques
Standard Creative Thinking Techniques
Involving Students in Creative Activities
Creative Teaching and Learning

10. Teaching Thinking Skills
Indirect Teaching, Direct Teaching, and Metacognition
Types of Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking
Models, Programs, and Exercises for Teaching Thinking Skills
Philosophy for Children: Lipman
Talents Unlimited
Instrumental Enrichment: Feuerstein
Critical Thinking Books and Technology
Involving Parents as Partners in Teaching Thinking Skills
Obstacles to Effective Thinking
Selecting Thinking-Skills Exercises and Materials

11. Leadership, Affective Learning, and Character Education
Leadership Definitions: Traits, Characteristics, and Skills
Leadership Training
Affective Learning
Moral Development: The Kohlberg Model
Materials and Strategies for Encouraging Affective Growth
The Humanistic Teacher

12. Underachievement: Identification and Reversal
Definition and Identification of Underachievement
Characteristics of Underachieving Gifted Children
Etiologies of Underachievement
Family Etiology
School Etiology
Reversal of Underachievement

13. Cultural Diversity and Economic Disadvantage: The Invisible Gifted
Special Needs
Factors Related to Success for Disadvantaged Youth
Programming for Gifted Students Who are Culturally Different
Gifted Programming in Rural Areas

14. Gifted Girls, Gifted Boys
Gifted Girls
Historical Background
Present Status of Women
Gifted Boys
Sex Differences or Gender Differences
Mathematics Abilities
Differences in Expectations, Achievement Orientation, and Aspirations
Reversing Gender-Based Underachievement

15. Gifted Children with Disabilities
Needs of Gifted Students with Disabilities
Critical Ingredients of Programs for Gifted Children with Disabilities
Reducing Communication Limitations
Self-Concept Development
High-Level Abstract Thinking Skills
Parenting Children with Disabilities

16. Parenting the Gifted Child
Parenting by Positive Expectations
Some Special Parenting Concerns
Preschool Children
Nontraditional Parenting
Parent Support Groups and Advocacy
Teaching Teens Self-Advocacy
Parents as Teachers -- Home Schooling Gifted Children
Appendix 16.1: National Gifted and Talented Educational Organizations

17. Understanding and Counseling Gifted Students
Historical Background
Personal and Social Issues
Emotional Sensitivity and Overexcitability
Gifted and Gay
Gifted and Overweight
Depression and Suicide
Career Guidance and Counseling
Strategies for Counseling Gifted Students
Stress Management
Developing a Counseling Program for Gifted Students
Appendix 17.1: Recommended Reading for Counselors, Administrators, And Teachers

18. Program Evaluation
Why Must Programs Be Evaluated?
Evaluation Design: Begin at the Beginning
Evaluation Models
Complexity of Evaluation and Audience: A Hierarchy
Instrument Selection
Test Construction
Daily Logs
Student Self-Evaluations
Performance Contracting
Commitment to Evaluation
Appendix 18.1: Example of a Structured Observation Form
Appendix 18.2: Example of a Classroom Observation Form
Appendix 18.3: Administrator Survey

Name Index
Subject Index

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