Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 2, 1995) © 1996

  • Robert F. Pierret Purdue University

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Although roughly a half-century old, the field of study associated with semiconductor devices continues to be dynamic and exciting. New and improved devices are being developed at an almost frantic pace. While the number of devices in complex integrated circuits increases and the size of chips decreases, semiconductor properties are now being engineered to fit design specifications. Semiconductor Device Fundamentals serves as an excellent introduction to this fascinating field.

Based in part on the Modular Series on Solid State Devices, this textbook explains the basic terminology, models, properties, and concepts associated with semiconductors and semiconductor devices. The book provides detailed insight into the internal workings of “building block” device structures and systematically develops the analytical tools needed to solve practical device problems.


1. Semiconductors -- A General Introduction.

General Material Properties. Crystal Structure. Crystal Growth.

2. Carrier Modeling.

The Quantization Concept. Semiconductor Models. Carrier Properties. State and Carrier Distributions. Equilibrium Carrier Concentrations.

3. Carrier Action.

Drift. Diffusion. Recombination -- Generation. Equations of State. Supplemental Concepts.

4. Basics of Device Fabrication.

Fabrication Processes. Device Fabrication Examples.

R1. Part I Supplement and Review.

Alternative/Supplemental Reading List. Figure Sources/Cited References. Review List of Terms. Part I Review Problem Sets and Answers.


5. PN Junction Electrostatics.

Preliminaries. Quantitative Electrostatic Relationships.

6. PN Junction Diode -- I-V Characteristics.

The Ideal Diode Equation. Deviations from the Ideal. Special Considerations.

7. PN Junction Diode -- Small-Signal Admittance.

Introduction. Reverse-Bias Junction Capacitance. Forward-Bias Diffusion Admittance.

8. PN Junction Diode -- Transient Response.

Turn-Off Transient. Turn-On Transient.

9. Optoelectronic Diodes.

Introduction. Photodiodes. Solar Cells. LEDs.


10. BJT Fundamentals.

Terminology. Fabrication. Electrostatics. Introductory Operational Considerations. Performance Parameters.

11. BJT Static Characteristics.

Ideal Transistor Analysis. Deviations from the Ideal. Modern BJT Structures.

12. BJT Dynamic Response Modeling.

Equivalent Circuits. Transient (Switching) Response.

13. PNPN Devices.

Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR). SCR Operational Theory. Practical Turn-on/Turn-off Considerations. Other PNPN Devices.

14. MS Contacts and Schottky Diodes.

Ideal MS Contacts. Schottky Diode. Practical Contact Considerations.

R2. Part II Supplement and Review.

Alternative/Supplemental Reading List. Figure Sources/Cited References. Review List of Terms. Part II Review Problem Sets and Answers.


15. Field Effect Introduction -- the J-FET and MESFET.

General Introduction. J-FET. MESFET.

16. MOS Fundamentals.

Ideal Structure Definition. Electrostatics -- Mostly Qualitative. Electrostatics -- Quantitative Formulation. Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics.

17. MOSFETs -- The Essentials.

Qualitative Theory of Operation. Quantitative ID - VD Relationships. ac Response.

18. Nonideal MOS.

Metal-Semiconductor Workfunction Difference. Oxide Charges. MOSFET Threshold Considerations.

19. Modern FET Structures.

Small Dimension Effects. Select Structure Survey.

R3. Part III Supplement and Review.

Alternative/Supplemental Reading List. Figure Sources/Cited References. Review List of Terms. Part III Review Problem Sets and Answers.

Appendix A. Elements of Quantum Mechanics.

Appendix B. MOS Semiconductor Electrostatics -- Exact Solution.

Appendix C. MOS C-V Supplement.

Appendix D. MOS I-Vsupplement.

Appendix E. List of Symbols.

Appendix M. MATLAB Program Script.

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