• All essential scene tasks, the details of each task, and how to effectively communicate crime scene findings are included. Chapters are presented in the sequence in which crime scenes are processed, allowing readers to experience each step of the investigation.

    • Coverage includes The Linkage Profile concept, Search and Seizure laws, digital cameras, photography terminology, the history of fingerprints, saliva evidence, and more.

  • NEW: Real crime scene expertise has been added by new coauthor, Sharon L. Plotkin, a Certified Crime Scene Investigator who has been doing crime scene work for almost 20 years, handling cases ranging from burglaries to homicides and suspicious death cases.

  • A separate chapter on crime scene reconstruction (Chapter 15) emphasizes the importance of crime scene reconstruction and provides an appreciation for the value of physical evidence.

  • Chapter Introductions and Summaries help students identify key information for each chapter and improve comprehension and retention.

  • NEW: Ready-to-use forms in the Appendix assist readers in the proper documentation of crime scenes and collection of evidence.

  • Resource materials for instructors include test banks and PowerPoints.

Content changes to this edition include:

  • UPDATED/NEW: Chapter 2: Updated information regarding evidence collection and processing methodology; Sample forms for crime scene searches

  • UPDATED/NEW: Chapter 3: Current digital photography information; Techniques for photography; Addition of challenging photographic technique such as chemical enhancement and height photography

  • UPDATED/NEW: Chapter 4: Updated sketching methodology; Addition of figures for different types of sketch examples

  • UPDATED/NEW: Chapter 5: Current fingerprinting techniques with figures and photographs

  • UPDATED: Chapter 8: Updated information, figures, and photographs depicting shooting reconstruction techniques

  • UPDATED: Chapters 12-14: Updated lab standards for collection of evidence and submissions; Updated information on scene documentation

  • NEW: Chapter 15: New and current information on language used in bloodstain reconstruction, as well as additional information on reconstruction techniques and collection of evidence

  • NEW: Chapter 16: A new entomology chapter on the study and scene considerations of insects on crime scenes as they assist criminal investigations

  • A separate chapter on crime scene reconstruction (Chapter 15) emphasizes the importance of crime scene reconstruction and provides an appreciation for the value of physical evidence.

  • Ready-to-use forms in the Appendix assist readers in the proper documentation of crime scenes and collection of evidence.

Content changes to this edition include:

  • UPDATED: Chapter 2: Updated information regarding evidence collection and processing methodology; Sample forms for crime scene searches

  • UPDATED: Chapter 3: Current digital photography information; Techniques for photography; Addition of challenging photographic technique such as chemical enhancement and height photography

  • UPDATED: Chapter 4: Updated sketching methodology; Addition of figures for different types of sketch examples

  • UPDATED: Chapter 5: Current fingerprinting techniques with figures and photographs

  • UPDATED: Chapter 8: Updated information, figures, and photographs depicting shooting reconstruction techniques

  • UPDATED: Chapters 12-14: Updated lab standards for collection of evidence and submissions; Updated information on scene documentation

  • Chapter 15: New and current information on language used in bloodstain reconstruction, as well as additional information on reconstruction techniques and collection of evidence

  • Chapter 16: A new entomology chapter on the study and scene considerations of insects on crime scenes as they assist criminal investigations

1. Introduction to Physical Evidence

2. Crime Scene Search Principles

3. Crime Scene Photography

4. Crime Scene Sketches

5. Latent Fingerprint Evidence

6. Trace Evidence

7. Biological Fluid Stain Evidence: Blood, Semen, and Saliva

8. Firearms Evidence

9. Impression Evidence

10. Drug and Alcohol Evidence

11. Document Evidence

12. Vehicle Scene Investigations

13. Sexual Assault Investigations

14. Homicide Crime Scene Investigations

15. Crime Scene Reconstruction

16. Entomological Evidence

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