Health Promotion in Nursing Practice, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (April 12, 2018) © 2019

  • Carolyn L. Murdaugh University of South Carolina, College of Nursing
  • Mary Ann Parsons University of South Carolina, College of Nursing
  • Nola J. Pender University of Michigan


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For undergraduate and graduate courses in health promotion and disease prevention.

A complete guide to health promotion across diverse populations, at all stages of life

Health Promotion in Nursing Practice offers a practical, evidence-based guide to promoting health within diverse racial, ethnic, cultural and economic populations, across the lifespan. It discusses individual and community health promotion models, strategies for implementing and evaluating programs, and the evolving role of digital technology in improving efficacy.

The 8th Edition focuses on increasing access to innovative health programs for all populations, especially those most vulnerable. It also promotes active self-care among individuals and within communities.

Hallmark features of this title

Strategies for health promotion

  • Individual and community models give students a framework for assessing and planning health promotion services.
  • Four core health-promoting behaviors are addressed: physical activity, nutrition, stress management and social support.
  • Practical methods for evaluating health promotion programs are described.

Supporting health equity

  • Health promotion across racial, ethnic and cultural groups, and responding to related challenges, is a point of focus.
  • Tactics for assessing health, health beliefs and health behaviors help students develop individualized health promotion plans.
  • Practical tools and forms include assessments, planning tools, health knowledge checklists, goal identification forms, and sample nurse-client and self-contracts.

New and updated features of this title

Theories and models guiding health interventions

  • UPDATED: The latest research and theoretical advances are drawn on to recommend scientifically sound health promotion and prevention services.
  • NEW: Healthy People 2020 midcourse evaluations and the 2030 proposed framework are included to link health promotion practices to national health goals.
  • NEW: Models for promoting health equity now include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's goal of creating a national movement for a culture of health that promotes health equity.

Technology and tools supporting effective implementation

  • NEW: An overview of digital health promotion apps and the behavior change theories and models guiding their development has been added.
  • NEW: The role of technology such as social media and mobile health in health assessment and in promoting healthy behaviors is addressed in new material.
  • NEW: The roles of online communities and social marketing in health promotion are now discussed.

Introduction: Health Promotion in a Changing Social and Digital Environment

1. Toward a Definition of Health
2. Individual Models to Promote Health Behavior
3. Community Models to Promote Health

4. Assessing Health and Health Behaviors
5. Developing a Health Promotion—Prevention Plan

6. Physical Activity and Health Promotion
7. Nutrition and Health Promotion
8. Stress Management and Health Promotion
9. Social Support and Health

10. Evaluating Health Promotion Programs

11. Empowering for Self-Care to Promote Health
12. Health Promotion in Diverse Populations
13. Health Promotion in Community Settings
14. Promoting Health through Social and Environmental Change

About our authors

Carolyn Murdaugh, RN, PhD, FAAN, is an adjunct professor and Professor Emerita at the University of Arizona, where she was Associate Dean for Research. She has held research and research administrative positions at the National Institutes of Health and the University of South Carolina. Her clinical and research interests have focused on promoting health and quality of life and reducing health inequities in diverse populations, including adults with cardiovascular disease, women with HIV/AIDS, Japanese American caregivers of elderly men with dementia, and Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes.

In addition to Health Promotion in Nursing Practice, she has co-authored three other books: Patient Centered Care: A Model for Restructuring (Parsons & Murdaugh), Strategies for Improving Patient Care: A Guide to Clinical Resource Management (Parsons, Murdaugh & Jarrell), and Interdisciplinary Care Studies in Health Care Redesign (Parsons, Murdaugh, & O'Rourke).

Mary Ann Parsons, RN, PhD, FAAN, is Distinguished Professor Emeriti and Dean Emeriti at the University of South Carolina, where she was dean of the College of Nursing. Her clinical and research interests include health promotion, primary care and community health with a focus on the health behaviors of rural adolescents and working adults. She has contributed to books on community health, distance education, faculty practice and nursing education.

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