Effective Writing: A Handbook for Accountants, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2019

  • Claire B. May University of Georgia
  • Gordon S. May University of Georgia

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ISBN-13: 9780137538423 (2021 update)

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For accounting courses.

Strengthen essential writing skills used in accounting

Effective Writing: A Handbook for Accountants covers every stage of the writing process. The text emphasizes coherence, conciseness and clarity as the most important qualities of any written work done by accountants. It guides readers through the skills they need and highlights aspects of communication that can enhance these skills. Material covers conducting research, writing for the workplace, and ethical considerations.

The 11th Edition includes more mediums and reflects issues in today's accounting environment. It's an essential resource for those interested in a career in the field of accounting-based writing.


  1. Accountants as Communicators
  2. The Writing Process: An Overview
  3. Coherent Writing: Organizing Business Documents
  4. A Sense of Style: Writing with Conciseness and Clarity
  5. Standard English: Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
  6. Format for Clarity: Document Design
  7. Thinking on The Job: Higher Order Thinking Skills
  8. Accounting Research


  1. Letters
  2. Memos and Briefing Documents
  3. Reports and Discussion Papers
  4. E-Communication and Social Media


  1. Writing for Exams: Professional Certification and Academic Exams
  2. Writing for Employment: Résumés and Letters of Application
  3. Writing for Publication
  4. Oral Communication: Listening and Speaking

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