Social Problems in a Diverse Society, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2019

  • Diana Kendall Baylor University

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ISBN-13: 9780137528844 (2021 update)

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Social Problems in a Diverse Society examines social problems through the lenses of race, class, gender and inequality. The text focuses on these key factors as the ways to understand problems in the US and worldwide. Author Diana Kendall makes the study of social problems interesting and relevant through authentic first-person accounts, up-to-date topics and contemporary examples.

The 7th Edition includes updated Social Media and Social Problems boxes that shed light on the ways that social media impacts social problems today. Fresh and updated material in every chapter reflects significant recent changes that have occurred in our society and around the world. In addition, new learning objectives guide you through the text.

1. Studying Social Problems in the Twenty-First Century
2. Wealth and Poverty. U.S. and Global Economic Inequities
3. Racial and Ethnic Inequality
4. Gender Inequality
5. Inequality Based on Age
6. Inequality Based on Sexual Orientation
7. Prostitution, Pornography, and Sex Trafficking
8. Alcohol and Other Drugs
9. Crime and Criminal Justice
10. Health Care. Problems of Physical and Mental Illness
11. The Changing Family
12. Problems in Education
13. Problems in Politics and the Global Economy
14. Problems in the Media
15. Population, Global Inequality, and the Environmental Crisis
16. Urban Problems
17. Global Social Problems. War and Terrorism
18. Can Social Problems Be Solved?

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