Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th edition

Published by FPP/IFSTA (January 22, 2019) © 2019



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For courses in the essentials of fire fighting.

Foundations for success in professional fire fighting

Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations continues the tradition of excellence in fire fighter education. It meets all the requirements of Fire Fighter I and II levels of NFPA 1001®, NFPA 472® and OSHA 1910.120.

The 7th Edition offers a complete support package, including skill sheets, knot and rope requirements, and coverage of essential job tasks related to medical requirements of NFPA 1582®. The new edition reflects the latest research in fire behavior and fire attack and adds more photos, illustrations and tables.

Hallmark features of this title

Organized to meet the needs of students and instructors

  • The text covers essential topics for skill-building and exam prep:
    • Ch. 1-15: Fire Fighter I
    • Ch. 16-22: Fire Fighter II
    • Ch. 23: Emergency First Aid (FFI JPRs)
    • Ch. 24-26: Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations (FFI JPRs)
    • Ch. 27: NIMS-ICS (FF I, FF II and Hazmat JPRs)

Available with complementary products

  • A complete line of support products for students and instructors is available for the 7th Edition. Contents include a curriculum, workbook, exam prep, interactive course, and skills videos.

New and updated features of this title

Engaging visuals and supplements

  • NEW: A new one-column format allows for more photos, more illustrations and more tables to enhance learning and instruction.
  • NEW: A free student companion app lets students stream all 173 skills videos to a smart device.

The latest research and guidelines

  • UPDATED: The latest research on fire behavior and fire attack appears throughout the text. IFSTA worked with the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (UL-FSRI) staff to incorporate this research.
  • UPDATED: Content on hazardous materials has been enhanced. It meets Awareness and Operations levels of NFPA 1072, 2017 Edition.

Section A: Fire Fighter I

  1. Introduction to the Fire Service and Firefighter Safety.
  2. Communications
  3. Building Construction
  4. Fire Dynamics
  5. Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
  6. Portable Fire Extinguishers
  7. Ropes and Knots
  8. Ground Ladders
  9. Forcible Entry
  10. Structural Search and Rescue
  11. Tactical Ventilation
  12. Fire Hose
  13. Hose Operations and Hose Streams
  14. Fire Suppression
  15. Overhaul, Property Conservation, and Scene Preservation

Section B: Fire Fighter II

  1. Building Materials, Structural Collapse, and Effects of Fire Suppression
  2. Technical Rescue Support and Vehicle Extrication Operations
  3. Foam Fire Fighting, Liquid Fires, and Gas Fires
  4. Incident Scene Operations
  5. Fire Origin and Cause Determination .
  6. Maintenance and Testing Responsibilities
  7. Community Risk Reduction

Section C: Emergency First Aid, Fire Fighter I

  1. First Aid Provider

Section D: Hazardous Materials Response for Firefighters, Fire Fighter I

  1. Analyzing the Incident
  2. Action Options and Response Objectives
  3. Personal Protective Equipment, Product Control, and Decontamination

Section E: NIMS-ICS 100 and 200, Fire Fighter I and II and Hazardous Materials Responder

  1. National Incident Management System — Incident Command Structure


  1. Chapter and Page Correlation to NFPA 1001 and NFPA 1072 Requirements
  2. Foam Concentrate Characteristics and Application Techniques
  3. UN Class Placards and Labels
  4. GHS Summary

About our author

The International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) was established in 1934. The mission of IFSTA is to identify areas of need for training materials and foster the development and validation of training materials for the fire service and related areas. IFSTA is an association of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading fire fighting techniques and safety through training.

The IFSTA Validation Conference is held each July. Committees of technical experts meet and work at the conference addressing the current standards of the National Fire Protection Association and other standards-making groups as they apply to IFSTA-validated manuals. These committees also meet in January and throughout the year as necessary. These technical experts review all manual drafts and verify that the contents are valid. Committee members are all volunteers who participate because of a commitment to the fire service and its future through training.

Fire Protection Publications, a department of the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology at Oklahoma State University, is the headquarters for IFSTA. Fire Protection Publications' primary function is to publish and disseminate training manuals as proposed and validated by IFSTA. Fire Protection Publications researches, acquires, produces and markets high-quality learning and teaching manuals that complement the IFSTA-validated manuals.

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