• Discusses the three major theories of prevention—risk and protective factors, resiliency, and developmental assets—along with research-based findings on the six CSAP strategies to allow the reader to gain a multi-disciplinary, theoretical background to substance abuse prevention (Ch. 2).
  • Presents a comprehensive program planning and evaluation process in Chapter 3.
  • Provides information on how to create a logic model, develop evaluation questions, and select evaluation methods to assist students in designing and implementing an evaluation (Ch. 8). The logic model creates a map for successfully implementing and evaluating programs/strategies.
  • Includes a sample grant application for students to read and critique (Ch. 11) and a sample case study (Appendix) to provide students with practical application of all of the material taught in the book.
  • Provides a chart of each major drug category that includes an overview of the drug category's effects, symptoms of overdose, possible withdrawal effects, and acute and chronic effects (Ch. 4).
  • Includes guidelines on becoming culturally competent prevention professionals who can build culturally competent prevention organizations (Ch. 5).
  • Provides an introduction to four human development theories and their application in the field of substance abuse prevention to help students understand the various developmental stages that clients experience, enabling them to custom fit prevention programs and strategies to their clients (Ch. 6).
  • Two real-life case studies demonstrate how to use the skills of media advocacy (Ch. 7).
  • A discussion on the evolution of substance abuse prevention and a historical timeline in Chapter 1 allow students to gain a historical perspective on substance abuse prevention in the United States and an understanding of key terms used in the field.
  • Case studies are included in various chapters of the textbook, as well as in Appendix D, providing students and instructors with real-life examples of translating research to practice.

1. Introduction —Julie Hogan.

Evolution and Training of the Preventative Discipline.

Attitudes about Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs.

Definitions of Use, Abuse, and Dependence/Addiction.

Justification for Theory.

United States History of Substance Abuse Prevention.

A Timeline of Prevention.

Building Blocks for the Prevention Profession.

2. Prevention Research—Julie Hogan.

The Risk and Protective Factor Theory.

The Resiliency Approach.

The Developmental Assets Approach.

The Six CSAP Strategies.

3. Prevention Program Planning—Kristen Reed Gabrielson.

Step 1: Asses the Readiness of the Community and Mobilize for Action.

Step 2: Assess the Levels of Risk Factors and Protective Factors in the Community.

Step 3: Translate Data into Priorities.

Step 4: Examine the Resources in the Community that are Reducing Risk Factors.

Step 5: Select a Target Population.

Step 6: Apply “Best Practices” and “Guiding Principles.”

Step 7: Evaluate.

4. Facts about Drugs— Nora Luna.

Models of Addiction.

Central Nervous System Depressants.


Central Nervous Stimulants.





Gateway Drugs.

Trends in Drug Use.

5. The Cultural Context and Ethics of Prevention—Denise Grothaus.

Culture Defined.

Elements of Culture.

Types of Culture.

Cultural Competence.

Working in the Community.

Ethics in Prevention.

6. Incorporating Human Development Theory into Prevention—Denise Grothaus.

Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.

Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Developmental Stages.

Jean Piagets Cognitive-Developmental Stages.

Medicine Wheel.

7. The Media and Prevention—Nora Luna.

Media Advocacy.

Media Literacy.

Social Marketing.

8. The Logic Model and Evaluation—Kristen Reed Gabrielson.

Logic Model.

Developing Evaluation Questions.

Internal or External Evaluations?

Developing a Design to Answer Evaluation Questions.

Developing Methods to Carry out the Evaluation Design.

Analyzing Evaluation Data.

Conducting the Evaluation.

Using the Answers to the Evaluation Questions.

9. Communication Strategies—Julie Hogan.

Communication Models.


Public Speaking Skills.

Group Facilitation and Leadership Skills.

Leadership Skills.

10. Grant Writing—Kristen Reed Gabrielson.

Introduction to Grant Writing in Prevention.

Motivations of Grant Makers.

Preliminary Steps to Grant Writing.

Writing Shorter Letter Proposals.

Writing Long Proposals.

General Grant-Writing Tips.

What Happens Next?

11. Bringing it all Together—Julie Hogan.

Challenges in Applying Science-Based Prevention Principles to Prevention Programs.

Chapter Summary.

Grant Applications.


Appendix A: Community Readiness Survey.

Appendix B: Validated Archival Indicators.

Appendix C: Three Case Studies in Prevention.

Appendix D: Case Studies in Prevention. Closing the Gap Between Research and Practice: Lessons of the First Three Years of CSAPs National CAPT System 1997-2000.

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