Fluid Mechanics, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (January 19, 2017) © 2018

  • Russell C. Hibbeler
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Fluid Mechanics guides you to a full understanding of the theory and many applications of fluid mechanics. This text helps you develop problem-solving skills through a variety of problems, representing a range of engineering disciplines that stress practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice.

Table of Contents

  1. Fundamental Concepts
    • 1-1. Introduction
    • 1-2. Characteristics of Matter
    • 1-3. Systems of Units
    • 1-4. Calculations
    • 1-5. Problem Solving
    • 1-6. Basic Fluid Properties
    • 1-7. Viscosity
    • 1-8 Viscosity Measurement
    • 1-9. Vapor Pressure
    • 1-10. Surface Tension and Capillarity
  2. Fluid Statics
    • 2-1. Pressure
    • 2-2. Absolute and Gage Pressure
    • 2-3. Static Pressure Variation
    • 2-4. Pressure Variation for Incompressible
    • 2-5. Pressure Variation for Compressible Fluids
    • 2-6. Measurement of Static Pressure
    • 2-7. Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces
    • 2-8. Hydrostatic Forces on an Incline Plane or Curved Surface Determined by Projection
    • 2-9. Buoyancy
    • 2-10. Stability
    • 2-11. Constant Accelerated Translation of a Liquid
    • 2-12. Steady Rotation of a Liquid.
  3. Kinematics of Fluid Motion
    • 3-1. Types of Flow Description
    • 3-2. Types of Fluid Flow
    • 3-3. Graphical Descriptions of Fluid Flow
    • 3-4. Fluid Acceleration
    • 3-5 Streamline Coordinates
    • 3-6. The Reynolds Transport Theorem
  4. Conservation of Mass
    • 4-1. Rate of Flow and Average Velocity
    • 4-2. Continuity Equation
  5. Energy of Moving Fluids
    • 5-1. Euler’s Equations of Motion
    • 5-2. The Bernoulli Equation
    • 5-3. Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation
    • 5-4.Energy and the Hydraulic Gradient.
    • 5-5. The Energy Equation
  6. Fluid Momentum
    • 6-1. The Linear Momentum Equation
    • 6-2. The Angular Momentum Equation
    • 6-3. Propellers
    • 6-4. Applications for Control Volumes Having Rectilinear Accelerated Motion
    • 6-5. Turbojets
    • 6-6. Rockets
  7. Differential Fluid Flow
    • 7-1. Differential Analysis
    • 7-2. Kinematics of Differential Fluid Elements
    • 7-3. Circulation and Vorticity
    • 7-4. Conservation of Mass
    • 7-5. Equations of Motion of a Fluid Particle
    • 7-6. The Euler and Bernoulli Equations
    • 7-7. The Stream Function
    • 7-8. The Potential Function
    • 7-9. Basic Two-Dimensional Flows
    • 7-10. Superposition of Flows
    • 7-11. The Navier-Stokes Equations
    • 7-12. Computational Fluid Dyanmics
  8. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude
    • 8-1. Dimensional Analysis
    • 8-2. Important Dimensionless Numbers
    • 8-3. The Buckingham Pi Theorem
    • 8-4. Similitude
  9. Viscous Flow Within Enclosed Surfaces
    • 9-1. Steady Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates
    • 9-2. Navier-Stokes Solution for Steady Laminar Flow Between Parallel Plates
    • 9-3. Steady Laminar Flow Within A Smooth Pipe
    • 9-3. Laminar and Turbulent Shear Stress Within a Smooth Pipe
    • 9-4. Navier-Stokes Solution for Steady Laminar Flow Within a Smooth Pipe
    • 9-5. The Reynolds Number
    • 9-6. Laminar and Turbulent Shear Stress Within a Smooth Pipe
    • 9-7. Fully Developed Flow From an Entrance
    • 9-8. Turbulent Flow Within a Smooth Pipe
  10. Analysis and Design for Pipe Flow
    • 10-1. Resistance to Flow in Rough Pipes
    • 10-2. Losses Occurring From Pipe Fittings And Transitions
    • 10-3. Single Pipeline Flow
    • 10-4. Pipe Systems
    • 10-5. Flow Measurement
  11. Viscous Flow Over External Surfaces
    • 11-1 The Concept of the Boundary Layer
    • 11-2. Laminar Boundary Layers
    • 11-3 The Momentum Integral Equation
    • 11-4 Turbulent Boundary Layers
    • 11-5. Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers
    • 11-6. Drag and Lift
    • 11-7. Pressure Gradient Effects
    • 11-8. The Drag Coefficient
    • 11-9. Methods for Reducing Drag
    • 11-10. Lift and Drag on an Airfoil
  12. Turbomachinery
    • 12-1. Types of Turbomachines
    • 12-2. Axial-Flow Pumps
    • 12-3. Ideal Performance for Axial-Flow Pumps
    • 12-4. Radial-Flow Pumps
    • 12-5. Turbines
    • 12-6. Pump Performance
    • 12-7. Cavitation and Net Positive Suction Head
    • 12-8. Pump Selection Related to the Flow System
    • 12-9.Turbomachine Similitude
  13. Open Channel Flow
    • 13-1. Types of Flow in Open Channels
    • 13-2. Wave Celerity
    • 13-3. Specific Energy
    • 13-4. Open Channel Flow Over a Rise
    • 13-5. Open Channel Flow Through a Sluice Gate
    • 13-6. Steady Uniform Channel Flow
    • 13-7. Gradual Flow With Varying Depth
    • 13-8. The Hydraulic Jump
    • 13-9. Weirs
  14. Compressible Flow
    • 14-1. Thermodynamic Concepts
    • 14-2. Wave Propagation Through a Compressible Fluid
    • 14-3. Types of Compressible Flow
    • 14-4. Isentropic Stagnation Properties
    • 14-5. Isentropic Flow Through a Variable Area
    • 14-6. Isentropic Flow Through Converging and Diverging Nozzles
    • 14-7. Normal Shock Waves
    • 14-8. Shock Waves in Nozzles
    • 14-9. Oblique Shocks
    • 14-10. Compression and Expansion Waves
    • 14-11. Compressible Flow Measurement

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