Primary Preventive Dentistry, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (June 7, 2013) © 2014

  • Norman O Harris
  • Franklin Garcia-Godoy
  • Christine N. Nathe


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Helps prepare students for all aspects of preventive care. Thoroughly covers all preventive care strategies, modalities, and ideas, including tooth brushing, dentifrices, toothpastes and mouthrinses, oral hygiene aids, fluorides, dental sealants, nutrition, mouthguards, tobacco cessation, and theories of health education and promotion.

Provides extensive interactive experience. Contains self-study questions after every chapter.

Helps students understand the relationships between prevention, urgent, and restorative care. Opens with a complete unit that places prevention in the broader context of dental and health care, and thoroughly introduces the assessment, diagnostic and therapeutic sciences of dental care.

Prepares students to recognise oral disease etiology and contributing risk factors. Includes easy-to-understand chapters on plaque, dental caries, periodontal disease, oral cancer, dental trauma and host mechanisms, with discussions of the etiology of each dental disease.

Helps students prevent dental disease and maintain health in several key target populations. Includes coverage of dental health and prevention in infants, children, individuals with medical conditions and/or diseases, older adults, and hospitalised individuals; as well as key information on public health approaches to prevention.

Thoroughly updated to support faster and more intuitive learning, with new visuals, additional realistic case studies, “Did You Know” fun facts, improved organization, and additional web resources

New! Full chapter on the influence of culture in preventive health care—helps students more fully support the needs of diverse patient communities

Expanded and improved! Contains more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables—supports visual and intuitive learning, and promotes more rapid comprehension

New! “Did You Know” Concepts features—illuminate “fun facts” and promote student interest

Improved! More self-study questions at the end of each chapter—promote deeper understanding of practical considerations, greater mastery, and more student confidence

Enhanced! Companion website adds new case studies and exercises—helps students gain a more realistic understanding of key concepts and theories

Improved! Reorganized coverage of target populations—offers faster access to information about diseases, manifestations, and preventive strategies for each population

UNIT ONE: Primary Preventive Dental Concepts


1. Introduction to Primary Preventive Dentistry

2. Cultural Health Influences

3. Dental Hygiene Science


UNIT TWO: Etiology of Dental Diseases and Conditions


4. Dental Plaque Biofilm

5. Carious Lesions

6. Periodontal Disease

7. Oral Cancer

8. Dental Trauma

9. Host Defense Mechanisms in the Oral Cavity


UNIT THREE: Preventive Strategies


10. Toothbrushes and Toothbrushing Methods

11. Dentifrices, Mouthrinses and Chewing Gums

12. Self-Care Adjuncts

13. Implant and Denture Self-Care

14. Community Water Fluoridation

15. Topical Fluoride Therapy

16. Dental Sealants

17. Nutrition, Diet, and Associated Oral Conditions

18. Sugar and Other Sweeteners

19. Health Education and Promotion Theories

20. Tobacco Cessation

21. Athletic Mouthguards

22. Technological Advances in Primary Dental Care


UNIT FOUR: Target Populations


23. Pregnancy and Infancy

24. Pediatrics

25. Adult Dental Care

26. Geriatrics

27. Medically Compromised Populations

28. Populations with Developmental Disabilities

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