Introduction to Law, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2019

  • Joanne B. Hames
  • Yvonne Ekern

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ISBN-13: 9780137503896 (2021 update)

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Introduction to Law gives you an overview of the system, principles and concepts of law. You'll be guided through the start of your law education with the help of premium features exploring basic legal concepts related to substantive and procedural law. Cases, statutes, regulations and the Constitution will help build your legacy vocabulary, analytical skills and ability to read cases.

All chapters of the 6th Edition have been reviewed, edited and updated to reflect current law and legal forms. New court cases highlight trends in recent US laws, such as those concerning the First Amendment and religion, police liability for excessive force, and same-sex marriage. The text also includes new or updated legal topics, including business ethics, federal rules affecting e-discovery, Federal Arbitration Act, and restorative justice as it applies to criminal cases.

1. Introduction to Law
2. The U.S. Legal System
3. The Courts and Legal Personnel
4. Finding the Law: Legal Research
5. Using the Law: Analysis and Legal Writing

6. Constitutional Law & Civil Rights
7. Tort Law
8. Family Law
9. Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts, and Probate
10. Contract Law
11. Property Law
12. The Business Environment: Agency, Employment, Business Organizations, and Bankruptcy Laws
13. Civil Procedure Before Trial
14. Criminal Practice: Criminal Law and Juvenile Law
15. Criminal Procedure Before Trial
16. Rules of Evidence
17. The Trial
18. Alternative Dispute Resolution

I. Law-Related Careers, the Paralegal Profession, and the Law Office
II. Mock Trial
III. Legal Citation

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