Medical Emergencies: Essentials for the Dental Professional, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (January 10, 2013) © 2014

  • Ellen B. Grimes



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2023 update available!

For courses covering medical emergencies in dental hygiene and dental assisting programs.

Updated for the latest knowledge and practice standards, MEDICAL EMERGENCIES: ESSENTIALS FOR THE DENTAL PROFESSIONAL, 2/e thoroughly discusses the essential elements of 30 different medical emergencies dental professionals may encounter, including etiology, signs, symptoms and treatment. It presents case scenarios and resolutions designed to promote critical thinking and problem solving; demonstrates the importance medical histories and vital signs in preventing emergencies; and guides students in developing appropriate medical emergency kits. Case Scenarios and Case Resolutions promote critical thinking skills Critical thinking is in the previous sentence, and easy-to-follow Treatment Flow Charts walk students visually through emergency procedures. Easy-to-use tables present the Signs & Symptoms of each emergency, and an At-A-Glance table summarizes the essentials of all emergencies. Student practice tests are now offered online, and extensive instructor support materials are available, including PowerPoint® presentations for each chapter. 

Hallmark Features

Designed and written at a level appropriate for dental hygiene/dental assistant students. Easy to understand while also including all the information students need to handle dental emergencies.

Covers every type of dental emergency. Includes coverage of Presyncope/Syncope, pallor, pupil dilation, diaphoresis , piloerection, weakness, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, yawning, visual changes, elevated blood pressure and pulse rate, shortness of breath, heart palpitation, chest pain , unconsciousness, and slow pulse. — I don't understand how this information goes with the bolded heading.

Promotes critical thinking skills through realistic examples and case scenarios. Includes Case Scenarios at the beginning of every chapter, and Case Resolutions at the end.

Offers fast access to Signs & Symptoms. Includes easy-access Signs & Symptoms Table in every chapter, synthesizing what may occur in each type of emergency.

Visually walks students through emergency procedures. Includes easy-to-follow Treatment Flow Charts in each chapter.

Gives students instant access to summary information on all emergencies. Includes alphabetical At-a-Glance table summarizing the essentials of each type of emergency.

Provides many opportunities for student review. Includes review questions at the end of each chapter

Updated throughout to cover the latest information and today's best standards of practice.

Updated! Information updated in every chapter—to ensure consistency with the latest standards of practice
  • Helps students master the latest knowledge and skills for protecting patient safety and responding to emergencies 
Expanded! More review questions—provided at the end of every chapter
  • Gives students more opportunities to check their knowledge, build mastery, and gain confidence 

New! Online student practice examinations—offering more comprehensive review

  • Offers comprehensive online practice available from any Internet connection


1. Introduction

2. The Emergency Kit

3. Vital Signs and Hypertensive Urgency and Emergency

4. Oxygen Administration



5. Syncope

6. Shock

7. Hyperventilation

8. Seizure Disorders

9. Cerebrovascular Accident



10. Angina Pectoris and Myocardial Infarction

11. Heart Failure and Acute Pulmonary Edema

12. Cardiac Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Malfunction



13. Asthma

14. Obstructed Airway, Aspiration or Ingestion of a Foreign Object

15. Allergic Reactions



16. Diabetes-Related Emergencies

17. Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis

18. Thyroid Emergencies



19. Epistaxis

20. Excessive Bleeding Following an Extraction



21. Intraocular Foreign Body

22. Broken Instrument Tip

23. Drug Overdose and Toxicity


Appendix. Medical Emergencies at a Glance



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