Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (December 24, 2014) © 2016

  • Corrine Glesne


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  • Ideal for the beginning researcher, the book is clear, accessible, encouraging, full of examples, and provides the perfect blend of theory and practice.
    • The voices and experiences of students engage readers in quandaries and impediments encountered in conducting qualitative inquiry.
    • Readers learn by working through the process of doing qualitative inquiry: research design, use of observations and documents, interviewing techniques, data analysis, and research representation.
    • An abundance of examples throughout draws from the work of students, professors, and the author to encourage readers to apply what they have learned to real research experiences through the use of end-of-chapter questions.
  • Students see how to design a research proposal, including examples from student dissertations.
    • NEW! A redesigned Chapter 2 guides novice researchers more carefully through the steps of creating a research proposal.
  • Students have opportunities for more in-depth examination of topics in the Recommended Readings sections at the end of each chapter and throughout the book, which introduce debates and controversies in qualitative inquiry, as well as to other texts, studies, and authors.
  • NEW! Addressing the concerns of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is easier for students through the redesign of Chapter 6, which explains why the boards were formed and what their expected roles are, as well as some of the problems often associated with qualitative inquiry and IRB expectations.
  • NEW! The sometimes-mysterious subject of data analysis is made clearer through discussion, examples, and instruction in thematic analysis and coding presented in Chapter 7.
  • NEW! Students are encouraged and get help for approaching their research creatively through Chapter 9’s focus on arts-based research, a topic not found in other introductory texts. Included are discussions and examples of approaches to arts-based research.
  • NEW! Sharing work with peers is made easier through Chapter 10’s section on presenting at conferences and an expanded discussion of publishing research work.
  • NEW! Students see how to use various data collection approaches more effectively in qualitative inquiry.
    • NEW! How to use field notes effectively is clarified in additional discussion and examples in Chapter 3.
    • NEW! How to create good interview questions is covered in expanded discussion and examples in Chapter 4.
  • NEW! Concepts are further illustrated through new figures, tables, and visual imagery provided throughout.
  • Students see how to design a research proposal, including examples from student dissertations.
    • NEW! A redesigned Chapter 2 guides novice researchers more carefully through the steps of creating a research proposal.
  • NEW! Addressing the concerns of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is easier for students through the redesign of Chapter 6, which explains why the boards were formed and what their expected roles are, as well as some of the problems often associated with qualitative inquiry and IRB expectations.
  • NEW! The sometimes-mysterious subject of data analysis is made clearer through discussion, examples, and instruction in thematic analysis and coding presented in Chapter 7.
  • NEW! Students are encouraged and get help for approaching their research creatively through Chapter 9’s focus on arts-based research, a topic not found in other introductory texts. Included are discussions and examples of approaches to arts-based research.
  • NEW! Sharing work with peers is made easier through Chapter 10’s section on presenting at conferences and an expanded discussion of publishing research work.
  • NEW! Students see how to use various data collection approaches more effectively in qualitative inquiry.
    • NEW! How to use field notes effectively is clarified in additional discussion and examples in Chapter 3.
    • NEW! How to create good interview questions is covered in expanded discussion and examples in Chapter 4.
  • NEW! Concepts are further illustrated through new figures, tables, and visual imagery provided throughout.

CHAPTER 1 Meeting Qualitative Inquiry

CHAPTER 2 Research Design and Other Prestudy Tasks: Doing What Is Good for You

CHAPTER 3 Being There: Developing Understanding through Participant Observation, Documents, and Visual Research

CHAPTER 4 Making Words Fly: Developing Understanding through Interviewing

CHAPTER 5 Field Relations: Researcher Roles, Rapport, and Reflexivity

CHAPTER 6 But Is It Ethical? Considering What Is “Right”

CHAPTER 7 Finding Your Story: Data Analysis

CHAPTER 8 Crafting Your Story: Writing Up Qualitative Data

CHAPTER 9 Improvising a Song of the World: Arts Based Research

CHAPTER 10 The Continuing Search

Corrine Glesne is a qualitative research methodologist and educational anthropologist, Corrine Glesne has conducted ethnographic research in the United States and abroad.  Her text Becoming Qualitative Researchers has been translated into several languages, including Turkish and Chinese.  In 2014, she was asked to give the keynote at the Eurasian Educational Research Congress, held in Istanbul.  Corrine was a professor at the University of Vermont for seventeen years.  Later, as a traveling professor with an international educational program, she taught and accompanied undergraduates to India, the Philippines, Mexico, New Zealand, and England.  In 2011, she embarked on a year-long, multi-site qualitative study of the “exemplary” academic art museum for the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, resulting in her book The Exemplary Museum: Art and Academia (2013, MuseumsEtc).  Corrine did her doctoral work at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. Her home is in Asheville, North Carolina.

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