Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2020

  • Cynthia Fenske
  • Katherine Dollan Watkins
  • Tina Saunders
  • Donita D'Amico
  • Colleen Barbarito

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ISBN-13: 9780136873099 (2020 update)

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing covers all the health assessment skills a nurse needs to know. It provides step-by-step training in holistic health assessments that consider the diversity of patients and care settings. Geared toward pre-licensure nursing students, the text focuses on the most-used assessment skills but, in a final section, covers advanced assessment skills, distinguishing it from competing texts.

The 4th Edition adds three new chapters covering the assessment of pediatric and older patients, plus another new chapter on best practices for documenting both subjective and objective data. Evidence-based practice was added to each chapter to either support or debunk current practices.


  1. Health Assessment
  2. Health and Wellness
  3. Cultural and Spiritual Considerations
  4. Health Disparities


  1. Interviewing and Health History: Subjective Data
  2. Documentation
  3. Physical Assessment Techniques and Equipment
  4. General Survey and Physical Exam: Objective Data
  5. Pain Assessment
  6. Nutritional Assessment
  7. Psychosocial Health, Substance Use, and Violence Assessment


  1. Skin, Hair, and Nails
  2. Head, Neck, and Related Lymphatics
  3. Eyes
  4. Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat
  5. Lungs and Thorax
  6. Breasts and Axillae
  7. Cardiovascular System
  8. Peripheral Vascular System
  9. Abdomen
  10. Male Genitourinary System
  11. Female Genitourinary System
  12. Musculoskeletal System
  13. Neurologic System


  1. Pregnant Woman
  2. Infants, Children, and Adolescents
  3. Older Adult
  4. Complete Health Assessment


  1. Standard Precautions for All Patient Care
  2. Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings
  3. Advanced Assessment Techniques

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