Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 18th edition

Published by Pearson (July 9, 2021) © 2022

  • George C. Edwards Texas A&M University
  • Martin P. Wattenberg University of California - Irvine
  • William G. Howell University of Chicago

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ISBN-13: 9780137585038 (2021 update)

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Government in America: People, Politics and Policy shows how politics influences the policies that shape American society. The authors provide a framework for understanding the difficult questions that decision makers of both political parties are facing: how should we govern and what should government do? By examining the scope of government, the authors help you see how politics matters in your own life.

The 2018 Elections and Updates Edition offers new narrative coverage of major events and issues including the 2018 midterm elections and the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. New Our Polarized Politics essays explore the extreme degree of political polarization today, investigating causes and consequences, the effect on policymaking and what we can do about it.


  1. Introducing Government in America
  2. The Constitution
  3. Federalism
  4. Civil Liberties and Public Policy
  5. Civil Rights and Public Policy


  1. Public Opinion and Political Action
  2. The Mass Media and the Political Agenda
  3. Political Parties
  4. Campaigns and Voting Behavior
  5. Interest Groups


  1. Congress
  2. The Presidency
  3. The Budget. The Politics of Taxing and Spending
  4. The Federal Bureaucracy
  5. The Federal Courts


  1. Economic and Social Welfare Policymaking
  2. Policymaking for Health Care, the Environment, and Energy
  3. National Security Policymaking

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