Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, 5th edition
Published by Pearson (August 8, 2016) © 2017
- Anil K. Chopra University of California at Berkeley
- Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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For courses in Structural Dynamics.
Structural dynamics and earthquake engineering for both students and professional engineers
An expert on structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Anil K. Chopra fills an important niche, explaining the material in a manner suitable for both students and professional engineers with his Fifth Edition of Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed, and the presentation is detailed and integrated enough to make the text suitable for self-study.
As a textbook on vibrations and structural dynamics, this book has no competition. The material includes many topics in the theory of structural dynamics, along with applications of this theory to earthquake analysis, response, design, and evaluation of structures, with an emphasis on presenting this often difficult subject in as simple a manner as possible through numerous worked-out illustrative examples. The Fifth Edition includes new sections, figures, and examples, along with relevant updates and revisions.
About the Book
Updates, Improvements, and Expanded Sections in the Fifth Edition
- NEW! Two new sections have been added to Chapter 20, which is now more than twice its previous size. These additions were motivated by the increasing use of nonlinear response history analyses (RHAs) of buildings in professional practice.
- UPDATED! Individual chapter updates and revisions include:
- Chapter 13 has been extended to include a response-spectrum-based method to estimate principal stresses in continuum structures, such as concrete dams.
- Chapters 7, 9, and 18 have been expanded to include P—analysis of gravity load effects and an introduction to their influence on the lateral response, permanent deformation, and collapse of structures.
- Chapter 11 has been revised to include recent data on damping ratios determined by system-identification analysis of motions of 203 buildings recorded during earthquakes. New recommendations for estimating damping ratios to be used in earthquake analysis of structures are presented.
- Chapters 22 and 23 have been updated to reflect the current editions of building codes for designing new buildings, and of performance-based guidelines and standards for evaluating existing buildings.
- NEW! Many new figures, several worked-out examples, and end-of-chapter problems have been added.
Pedagogical Features Enhance Learning
- A section on application of the inelastic design spectrum to structural design is included.
- Examples on dynamics of bridges and their earthquake response are included.
- The text incorporates three building codes and the Eurocode.
- The theory of dynamic response of structures is presented in a manner that emphasizes physical insight into the analytical procedures.
- Structural dynamics theory is applied to conduct parametric studies that bring out several fundamental issues in the earthquake response and design of multistory buildings.
- Over 100 worked-out examples illustrate analytical procedures.
- Over 400 figures, carefully designed and executed to be pedagogically effective, are included in the text.
- Photographs of structures and their responses recorded during earthquakes are included to relate the presentation to the real world.
About the Book
Updates, Improvements, and Expanded Sections in the Fifth Edition
- Two new sections have been added to Chapter 20, which is now more than twice its previous size. These additions were motivated by the increasing use of nonlinear response history analyses (RHAs) of buildings in professional practice.
- Individual chapter updates and revisions include:
- Chapter 13 has been extended to include a response-spectrum-based method to estimate principal stresses in continuum structures, such as concrete dams.
- Chapters 7, 9, and 18 have been expanded to include P—analysis of gravity load effects and an introduction to their influence on the lateral response, permanent deformation, and collapse of structures.
- Chapter 11 has been revised to include recent data on damping ratios determined by system-identification analysis of motions of 203 buildings recorded during earthquakes. New recommendations for estimating damping ratios to be used in earthquake analysis of structures are presented.
- Chapters 22 and 23 have been updated to reflect the current editions of building codes for designing new buildings, and of performance-based guidelines and standards for evaluating existing buildings.
- Many new figures, several worked-out examples, and end-of-chapter problems have been added.
I. Single Degree of Freedom Systems
1. Equations of Motion, Problem Statement, and Solution Methods
2. Free Vibration
3. Response to Harmonic and Periodic Excitations
4. Response to Arbitrary, Step, and Pulse Excitations
5. Numerical Evaluation of Dynamic Response
6. Earthquake Response of Linear Systems
7. Earthquake Response of Inelastic Systems
8. Generalized Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
II. Multi Degree of Freedom Systems
9. Equations of Motion, Problem Statement, and Solution Methods
10. Free Vibration
11. Damping in Structures
12. Dynamic Analysis and Response of Linear Systems
13. Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems
14. Analysis of Nonclassically Damped Linear Systems
15. Reduction of Degrees of Freedom
16. Numerical Evaluation of Dynamic Response
17. Systems with Distributed Mass and Elasticity
18. Introduction to the Finite Element Method
III. Earthquake Response, Design, and Evaluation of Multistory Buildings
19. Earthquake Response of Linearly Elastic Buildings
20. Earthquake Analysis and Response of Inelastic Buildings
21. Earthquake Dynamics of Base-Isolated Buildings
22. Structural Dynamics in Building Codes
23. Structural Dynamics in Building Evaluation Guidelines
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