Creating Environments for Learning: Birth to Age Eight, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (January 7, 2016) © 2017

  • Julie Bullard University of Montana Western


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The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos. Enrich the experience with the text by allowing readers to see real teachers in real classrooms, sharing their insights. (See pages 16, 28, and 88 for examples.)
  • Check Your Understanding of chapter content. Embedded assessments with feedback at the end of each major heading allow students to continually assess their understanding of chapter content and concepts. (See pages 16, 273, and 424 for examples.)
  • End of Chapter Self-Check. A multiple-choice format Chapter Quiz with objective feedback to their responses lets students assess their overall understanding of chapter concepts. (See pages 22, 292, and 428 for examples.)

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Additional text benefits include:

  • Learning is enhanced through a user-friendly presentation and a number of helpful features, including:
    • Ideas and concepts are applied to real life situations and have meaning for classrooms and students.
      • Examples/scenarios of concepts in action begin each chapter and are embedded throughout the text.
      • Over 140 color photos further illustrate the principles.
      • Over 900 relevant citations bring students up to date on the latest research in the field.
    • The latest national standards are covered in ways that show students how they can be embedded into a play-based environment.
    • Information on diversity familiarizes students with ways to deal effectively with the many different learners in today’s classrooms.
  • Inclusive coverage spans the entire early childhood age group, from birth to age eight, and looks at a wide range of settings, including:
    • Family childcare.
    • Infant-toddler programs.
    • Preschool programs.
    • After school programs.
    • Elementary school programs.
  • Developmental progressions such as block building, art, and writing are written about and illustrated throughout the text.

Brief Contents

            1          Understanding the Importance of the Environment 

            2          Establishing an Emotionally Supportive and Equitable Environment 

            3          Establishing a Context for Learning: Designing Schedules, Transitions, and Routines 

            4          Planning a Play-Based Curriculum 

            5          Arranging an Effective Environment 

            6          Design Considerations 

            7          Developing Dramatic Play Centers 

            8          Developing Manipulative and Sensory Centers 

            9          Developing Block and Building Centers 

            10         Developing Literacy Centers 

            11         Developing Science Centers 

            12         Developing Math Centers 

            13         Developing Visual Art Centers 

            14         Developing Music and Dance Centers 

            15         Integrating Technology 

            16         Special-Interest Centers 

            17         Creating Outdoor Environments 

            18         Creating Spaces for Families and Teachers 

            19         Meeting Environmental Challenges 




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Julie Bullard is a professor and director of the Early Childhood Education program at the University of Montana Western. During her 35 years in the early childhood field she has been a preschool and elementary teacher, childcare director, Head Start administrator, and has taught adults receiving CDAs, associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees in early childhood as well as students receiving master’s degrees in curriculum and instruction. Julie has taught higher education coursework both face-to-face and online for over 20 years and was named the Carnegie Professor of the Year for Montana in 2011.

Julie has had a passion for the importance of the early learning environment since completing coursework in architecture more than 30 years ago. She also has a special interest in curricular standards and has served on several state and national committees that are working on developing and implementing standards using play-based curriculum. She has served on the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Professional Development Panel, as a national reviewer of early childhood higher education programs, and on an oversight committee for NAEYC/NCATE accreditation. Julie served on an NAEYC committee to revise the national early childhood higher education standards. She is on the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Board of Examiners (NCATE BOE) and on the editorial board for the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. She has been involved in the development of the Montana early childhood knowledge base, infant—toddler guidelines, preschool guidelines, kindergarten standards, and early childhood and elementary higher education standards. Julie received her doctorate from Montana State University.

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