Educational Assessment of Students, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2019

  • Susan M. Brookhart Duquesne University
  • Anthony J. Nitko Professor Emeritus, Univeristy of Pittsburgh

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ISBN-13: 9780136976691 (2020 update)

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Educational Assessment of Students helps pre- and in-service teachers learn to improve your ability to facilitate student learning through better assessment. It offers information about the basics of educational measurement and step-by-step instructions on how to use and construct formative and summative assessments. Detailed coverage guides you through the entire process, from developing plans that integrate teaching and assessment, to evaluating students and discussing evaluations, through interpreting state-mandated and standardized achievement tests.

The 8th Edition features up-to-date treatment of feedback, large-scale assessment techniques, validity and reliability of classroom assessments and more.

Part I: The Bases for Assessment

  1. Classroom Decision Making and Using Assessment
  2. Describing the Goals of Instruction
  3. Validity of Assessment Results
  4. Reliability of Assessment Results
  5. Professional Responsibilities, Ethical Behavior, and Legal Requirements in Educational Assessments

Part II: Crafting and Using Classroom Assessments

  1. Planning for Integrating Assessment and Instruction
  2. Diagnostic and Formative Assessments
  3. Providing Formative Feedback
  4. Fill-in-the-Blank and True-False Items
  5. Multiple-Choice and Matching Exercises
  6. Higher-Order Thinking, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking
  7. Essay Assessment Tasks
  8. Performance and Portfolio Assessments
  9. Preparing Your Students to Be Assessed and Using Students’ Results to Improve Your Assessments
  10. Evaluating and Grading Student Achievement

Part III: Interpreting and Using Standardized Tests

  1. Standardized Achievement Tests
  2. Interpreting Norm-Referenced Scores
  3. Finding and Evaluating Published Assessments
  4. Scholastic Aptitude, Career Interests, Attitudes, and Personality Tests


  1. Educational Assessment Knowledge and Skills for Teachers
  2. Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education (Revised)
  3. Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement
  4. Summaries of Taxonomies of Educational Objectives: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Domains
  5. Implementing the Principles of Universal Design via Technology-Based Testing
  6. Basic Statistical Concepts
  7. Computational Procedures for Various Reliability Coefficients
  8. A Limited List of Published Tests
  9. List of Test Publishers and Their Websites
  10. Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises



Name Index

Subject Index

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