Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3rd edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (April 30, 2007) © 2007

  • Grady Booch Rational Software Corporation , Rational Software Corporation
  • Robert Maksimchuk
  • Michael Engle
  • Jim Conallen
  • Kelli Houston Rational Software Corporation
  • Bobbi Young Rational Software Corporation
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The previous editions of this book have taught tens of thousands how to apply the concepts and ideas behind object technology to design successful software applications. This revision will bring the book up to date with the many changes in technology that have happened since the second edition was first published in 1994. New topics covered in the third edition include the Unified Software Development Process, UML, Patterns, Java, and Components.

Sidebars   xi
Preface    xiii
Acknowledgments    xix
About the Authors    xxi

Section I: Concepts   1

Chapter 1: Complexity   3

1.1      The Structure of Complex Systems    4
1.2      The Inherent Complexity of Software    7
1.3      The Five Attributes of a Complex System    12
1.4      Organized and Disorganized Complexity    14
1.5      Bringing Order to Chaos    18
1.6      On Designing Complex Systems    24

Chapter 2: The Object Model    29

2.1      The Evolution of the Object Model    29
2.2      Foundations of the Object Model    37
2.3      Elements of the Object Model    43
2.4      Applying the Object Model    71

Chapter 3: Classes and Objects    75

3.1      The Nature of an Object    75
3.2      Relationships among Objects    88
3.3      The Nature of a Class    92
3.4      Relationships among Classes    96
3.5      The Interplay of Classes and Objects    111
3.6      On Building Quality Classes and Objects    112

Chapter 4: Classification    121

4.1      The Importance of Proper Classification    121
4.2      Identifying Classes and Objects    126
4.3      Key Abstractions and Mechanisms    138

Section II: Method    145

Chapter 5: Notation    147

5.1      The Unified Modeling Language    147
5.2      Package Diagrams    155
5.3      Component Diagrams    163
5.4      Deployment Diagrams    171
5.5      Use Case Diagrams    175
5.6      Activity Diagrams    185
5.7      Class Diagrams    192
5.8      Sequence Diagrams    206
5.9      Interaction Overview Diagrams    213
5.10    Composite Structure Diagrams    215
5.11    State Machine Diagrams    218
5.12    Timing Diagrams    231
5.13    Object Diagrams    235
5.14    Communication Diagrams    238

Chapter 6: Process 247

6.1        First Principles    248
6.2        The Macro Process: The Software Development Lifecycle    256
6.3        The Micro Process: The Analysis and Design Process    272

Chapter 7: Pragmatics    303

7.1      Management and Planning    304
7.2      Staffing    308
7.3      Release Management    312
7.4      Reuse    314
7.5      Quality Assurance and Metrics    316
7.6      Documentation    320
7.7      Tools    322
7.8      Special Topics    324
7.9      The Benefits and Risks of Object-Oriented Development    326

Section III: Applications    331

Chapter 8: System Architecture: Satellite-Based Navigation    333

8.1      Inception    334
8.2      Elaboration    347
8.3      Construction    370
8.4      Post-Transition 371

Chapter 9: Control System: Traffic Management    375

9.1      Inception    376
9.2      Elaboration    385
9.3      Construction    396
9.4      Post-Transition 411

Chapter 10: Artificial Intelligence: Cryptanalysis    413

10.1      Inception    414
10.2      Elaboration    421
10.3      Construction    427
10.4      Post-Transition 446

Chapter 11: Data Acquisition: Weather Monitoring Station    449

11.1      Inception    450
11.2      Elaboration    463
11.3      Construction    474
11.4      Post-Transition    487

Chapter 12: Web Application: Vacation Tracking System    489

12.1      Inception    490
12.2      Elaboration    494
12.3      Construction    506
12.4      Transition and Post-Transition    534

Appendix A: Object-Oriented Programming Languages    537

A.1      Language Evolution    537
A.2      Smalltalk    541
A.3      C++    546
A.4      Java    551

Appendix B: Further Reading    557

Notes    567
Glossary    591
Classified Bibliography    603
Index    677

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