Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (February 5, 2018) © 2019

  • Christine I. Bennett Indiana University at Bloomington

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ISBN-13: 9780134679051 (2018 update)

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Part I: The Case for Multicultural Education
1. Multicultural Schools: What, Why, and How
2. Culture, Race, and the Contexts for Multicultural Teaching
3. Race Relations and the Nature of Prejudice
4. Affirming Religious Pluralism in U.S. Schools and Society

Part II: Roots of Cultural Diversity in the United States: The Conflicting Themes of Assimilation and Pluralism
5. Immigration and Cultural Pluralism: Anglo-European American Perspectives
6. Colonialism, Involuntary Immigration, and the American Dream: American Indian and African American Perspectives
7. Colonialism, Immigration, and the American Dream: Latino Perspectives
8. Contemporary Immigration and the American Dream: Asian American Perspectives
9. U.S. Immigrants from the Middle East: Arab American Perspectives

Part III: Reaching All Learners: Perspectives on Culture, Gender, Class, and Exceptionalities

10. The Promise of Culturally Competent Teaching
11. How Does Gender Make a Difference?
12. The Impact of Poverty on American Children and Youth
13. The Challenges of Special Education in Inclusive Classrooms

Part IV. Teaching in a Multicultural Society
14. Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, James S. Damico and Suriati Abas
15. Curriculum Transformation: A Multicultural Curriculum Development Model for Teacher Decision Making

Appendix A: Curriculum Transformation: Sample Lessons
Appendix B: Linking Global and Multicultural Education: A Diagram
Name Index
Subject Index

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