Concise Public Speaking Handbook, A, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (May 1, 2019) © 2018

  • Steven A. Beebe Texas State University - San Marcos
  • Susan J. Beebe Texas State University - San Marcos


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For courses in Public Speaking.

An audience-centered approach to public speaking in a concise reference format

A Concise Public Speaking Handbook emphasizes the importance of considering the audience at every point in the speech-making process. Using a concise reference format that facilitates easy access to key information, authors Steven and Susan Beebe guide students on how to enhance their public speaking skills. By focusing on the dynamics of diverse audiences, ethics and communication apprehension, the text narrows the gap between the classroom and the real world.

The 5th Edition includes fresh examples throughout to ensure that the content is relatable and engaging.

Hallmark features of this title

  • A Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety in Chapter 2 helps students conquer communication apprehension. It enables students to assess their confidence level, receive their score immediately and continue reading about how to improve speaking anxiety.
  • A section on listening, critical thinking, and analyzing speeches fosters critical listening skills.
  • Ethics is emphasized throughout the text, as well as in the dedicated Chapter 4, Ethics and Free Speech.
  • Quick Checks help students stay organized when preparing their speeches, listing items that can be checked off as each step in the process is completed.
  • Study guides with self-assessment, ethics, and critical-assessment questions summarize chapter content and reinforce key learning objectives.

New and updated features of this title

  • UPDATED: Fresh and expanded examples throughout the text ensure that the content presented is contemporary and engaging for students.
  • UPDATED: How To boxes provide clear instructions for applying concepts from the text to real-life public speaking. In the 5th Edition, these boxes have been updated with contemporary examples designed to resonate with today's students.
  • UPDATED: Fresh, contemporary content, including references to the latest research conclusions, ensures an up-to-date learning experience. Highlights include:
    • new research on the consequences of plagiarism in Chapter 4
    • new tips for using gestures effectively and monitoring your facial expressions in Chapter 17
    • a greater focus on computer-generated presentation aids in Chapters 20 and 21

Highlights of the DIGITAL UPDATE for Revel (available for Spring 2020 classes)

Instructors, contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course.

  • NEW: More than 2 dozen new videos have been added on topics such as effective listening and adding humor to a speech.
  • NEW: Additional student speech videos have been incorporated into the text on topics such as establishing a healthy lifestyle and tie-dying.
  • UPDATED: The Quick Check boxes in Chapters 12 and 13 have been redesigned as interactive drag-and-drop activities.
  • UPDATED: Several interactive surveys, including the Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety Profile, have been rebuilt with a more user-friendly interface.
  • NEW: An appendix entitled Mediated Public Speaking provides in-depth information and activities related to giving mediated presentations.

Features of Revel for the 5th Edition; published 2017

  • MediaShare integration enables students and instructors to easily share and comment on speeches, as well as other videos, images and more. Users can upload original content for peer and instructor feedback or embed YouTube content with just a few clicks.
  • Audio excerpts throughout the text highlight effective speech examples and reinforce learning.
  • Interactive figures help students visualize, and thus better understand, hard-to-grasp concepts.


1. Speaking in Public
2. Improving Your Confidence
3. Presenting Your First Speech
4. Ethics and Free Speech


5. Listening
6. Analyzing Your Audience
7. Adapting to Your Audience as You Speak


8. Developing Your Speech
9. Gathering Supporting Material
10. Supporting Your Speech


11. Organizing Your Speech
12. Outlining and Revising Your Speech
13. Developing an Introduction
14. Developing a Conclusion
15. Using Words Well


16. Methods of Delivery
17. Nonverbal Communication
18. Verbal Communication
19. Delivering Your Speech
20. Selecting Presentation Aids
21. Preparing and Using Presentation Aids


22. Informative Speaking
23. Understanding Principles of Persuasive Speaking
24. Using Persuasive Strategies
25. Speaking on Special Occasions
26. Speaking in Small Groups

Appendix: Mediated Public Speaking
Introduction: Mediated Public Speaking
A.1. Mediated Communication: An Introduction
A.2. Types of Online Presentations
A.3. Audience
A.4. Preparing for Your Online Presentation
A.5. Rehearsing Your Online Presentation
A.6. Delivering or Recording Your Online Presentation
A.7. Online Etiquette: Digital Citizenship

About our authors

Steven A. Beebe is Regents’ and University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Texas State University. He served as Chair of his department at Texas State for 28 years and concurrently as Associate Dean for 25 years. Steve is the author or co-author of 12 widely used communication books, most of which have been through multiple editions (including Russian and Chinese editions), as well as numerous articles, book chapters and conference presentations. He has been a Visiting Scholar at both Oxford University and Cambridge University in England. He made international headlines when conducting research at Oxford; he discovered a manuscript that was the partial opening chapter of a book that was to be co-authored with J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis called Language and Human Nature. Steve has traveled widely in Europe and Asia, and has played a leadership role in establishing new communication curricula in Russian universities. He has received his university’s highest awards for research and twice for service, has been recognized as Honors Professor of the year, and was named Outstanding Communication Professor by the National Speaker’s Association. In 2013 he served as President of the National Communication Association, the largest professional communication association in the world. His passions include his family and a lifelong love of music; he is a pianist and organist and a struggling cellist.

Susan J. Beebe’s professional interests and expertise encompass both oral and written communication. Sue has co-authored 3 books and has published a number of articles and teaching materials in both English and communication studies. She has received the Texas State University Presidential Awards for Excellence in Teaching and in Service and the College of Liberal Arts Awards for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, in Teaching, and in Service. After serving as Director of Lower-Division Studies in English for 11 years, Sue retired in 2014 from the Department of English at Texas State. An active volunteer in the community of San Marcos, Texas, Sue was the founding coordinator of the San Marcos Volunteers in Public Schools Program and has served on the San Marcos School Board and the Education Foundation Board. In 1993 she was named the statewide Friend of Education by the Texas Classroom Teachers’ Association; in 2000 the San Marcos school district presented her with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Sue enjoys reading, traveling, and caring for the Beebe family cats, Luke and Bouncer. Sue and Steve have 2 sons: Mark, a graduate of Rice University; and Matt, a graduate of Southwestern University and a middle school teacher in nearby Austin.

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