99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (February 10, 2021) © 2022

  • MaryEllen Vogt California State University, Long Beach
  • Jana Echevarria California State University, Long Beach


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For courses in ESL methods.

New lesson plans and teaching strategies for effectively implementing the SIOP Model

99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model is an indispensable resource for teachers of English language learners. It's the ideal companion to Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model. All activities promote student-to-student and teacher-to-student interaction and involvement. Step-by-step directions and examples of content and language objectives help guide teachers.

The 2nd Edition has been significantly updated with new ideas, activities, and lesson plans. About half of the ideas and activities are new to this edition.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Provides classroom-ready ideas and activities for implementing each of the 8 components of the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model.
  • Offers step-by-step directions for all ideas and activities to give teachers a clear guide to follow.
  • Identifies key learning goals (content and language objectives) for all relevant lessons.
  • Highlights the cultural and linguistic assets English language learners bring to the classroom within the ideas and activities to tap into students' innate strengths and background knowledge.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: Includes four new sample lesson plans that illustrate how the SIOP components and features can be effectively woven into lessons (See Appendix A).
  • NEW: Presents ideas and activities in a new template to aid teachers in selecting the appropriate idea or activity at the teachable moment.
  • NEW: Includes new handouts or graphic organizers teachers can reproduce and use in their classroom to support select ideas and activities.
  • NEW: Approximately 50% of the activities and ideas are new to this edition. Created and recommended by experienced SIOP educators, the activities and ideas integrate technology tools, promote student-to-student interaction, activate and develop students' background knowledge, enable students to actively engage in their learning, involve higher levels of thinking, require the use of a variety of learning strategies and apply to a wide variety of subject areas and content topics from grades K to 12.
  • UPDATED: All other ideas and activities have been updated with new content and language objectives related to specific lesson topics and with more detailed directions for implementing the ideas and activities to make it easier for teachers to include them in their lessons.
  1. Overview of the SIOP Model
  2. Lesson Preparation
    • Ideas and Activities for Enhancing Lesson Preparation
    • Cue Tips
    • Dream Community
    • Enlarged, Adapted Text
    • How to Differentiate Your SIOP Lessons
    • How to Select Meaningful Activities
    • How to SIOPize an Existing or Commercial Lesson Plan
    • Make Your SIOP Lessons Come Alive!
    • Most Important Objective!
    • Pop-Up Self-Assessment
    • Take PART (Preview, Annotate, Reflect, Teacher Feedback)
    • Writing a SIOP Lesson Plan
  3. Building Background
    • Review of the Building Background Component
    • Ideas and Activities for Enhancing Building Background
    • Flip Books
    • Concept Card Sort
    • Go to Your Corner
    • Jumpstart Your Engines!
    • Play It Again
    • Pretest with a Partner
    • Questions to Activate Students' Prior Knowledge
    • Surprise Book
    • Sync Up
    • Think & Link
    • Two Truths and a Trick
    • Using Cognates to Build English Vocabulary
    • Vocabulary Go Fish
    • Word Study Journals
  4. Comprehensible Input
    • Ideas and Activities for Enhancing Comprehensible Input
    • Every Student Gets a Chance
    • Framed Outlines
    • Homographs, Homophones, and Synonyms
    • Idiom Match-Up
    • Move It!
    • Multimedia Madness
    • Recorded Texts for Understanding
    • Recording Google Slides with Closed Captions
    • Think, Jot, Pair, Share
  5. Strategies
    • Ideas and Activities to Enhance Strategies
    • Agree or Disagree?
    • Backwards Book Walk
    • Canned Questions
    • Creative Visualization
    • Double Entry Journals (DEJs)
    • Pipe Cleaner Practice
    • Show Your Thinking!
    • Sprinkle Fairy Dust
    • Squeepers (SQP2RS)
    • Sticky Note Scene
    • Stop and Think
    • Traveling Questions
  6. Interaction
    • Ideas and Activities to Enhance Interaction
    • Dinner Party
    • Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA)
    • Frozen Moment
    • Gallery Walk
    • He Said/She Said
    • Mix and Match
    • Multilingual Mind Map
    • Pairs Before Squares
    • Puppetry
    • Role Playing
    • Sentence Patterning Plus
    • Show What You Know
    • Standing Circle Share
    • Take a Stand
    • You Are There
  7. Practice & Application
    • Ideas and Activities to Enhance Practice & Application
    • Conga Line
    • Go Graphic! Graphic Organizers for Expository and Narrative Texts
    • Paperslide Video
    • Piece O'Pizza
  8. Lesson Delivery
    • Ideas and Activities for Enhancing Lesson Delivery
    • Equitable Pacing for All
    • Headings into Questions
    • Magic Buttons
    • Quick Draw
    • Rapid Group Response with Number and Letter Cards
    • Reader-Recorder-Reporter Triads
    • Secret Answer
    • Stand, Share, Sit
    • Standing Circle Share
    • Stop That Video!
  9. Review & Assessment
    • Ideas and Activities for Enhancing Review & Assessment
    • Batter Up!
    • Bingo Board Review
    • Domino Review
    • Emoji Review
    • Group Response with a White Board
    • Number 1-3 For Self-Assessment of Objectives
    • Pass the Notecard
    • Question Online Quizzes
    • Self-Assessment Rubrics
    • Share Bear
    • Stars and a Step
    • Student-Generated Quizzes
    • Tell the Truth
    • Tickets Out/Tickets In, Plus


  1. SIOP Lesson Plans
  2. SIOP Protocol (Abbreviated)
  3. References

About our authors

MaryEllen Vogt, EdD, is Professor Emerita, California State University, Long Beach. She earned her doctorate in Language and Literacy from the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author/coauthor of numerous articles, chapters, and books, including literacy texts and those in the SIOP series. While at CSULB, she served as codirector of the CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading. Dr. Vogt has provided professional development throughout the U.S. and in several countries, and she served as Visiting Scholar at the University of Cologne, Germany. She is a member of California's Reading Hall of Fame, is a recipient of CSULB's Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, was president of the International Literacy Association and she has been inducted into the International Reading Hall of Fame, an organization of literacy researchers and scholars.

Jana Echevarria, PhD, is professor emerita at California State University, Long Beach, where she received the university's Outstanding Professor award. A founding researcher and creator of the SIOP Model, Dr. Echevarria has published widely on effective instruction for English learners, including those with learning disabilities. She has presented her research in the U.S. and internationally, including South East Europe University (Macedonia) where she was a Fulbright Specialist. Dr. Echevarria received her PhD from UCLA and is a member of the California Reading Hall of Fame. She serves as an expert on English learners for the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. Follow her blog about English learners at janaechevarria.com.

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