The Third Edition features new chapters on listening, vocabulary development, using dictation, working effectively with both writing and reading with dual language learners, and understanding kindergarten reading. It includes 69 new picture books, new activities in every chapter, 29 new children’s artifacts, updated references, and a helpful Appendix of 26 appropriate web sites.
New chapter, Listening Center (Ch. 3), helps teach children to “listen with intent,” to hear new words and to interpret their meaning. Coverage is included of such equipment as CD players, headsets, and karaoke machines.
New chapter, Vocabulary Development (Ch. 10), helps children build a necessary vocabulary of 2,500 words per year and to explore two to four new words per day. Children learn “word-meaning clues” and teachers help them explore words using text and illustrations.
New chapter, Taking Dictation (Ch. 21), encourages teachers to write down children’s oral stories. Children get to see certain speech sounds being connected to specific letters.
New chapter, Dual Language Learners’ Writing (Ch. 27), shows teachers how to help children who are learning English at the same time they are learning their home language. This chapter encourages the development of both the children’s home language and English.
New chapter, Dual Language Readers (Ch. 39) shows teachers how to help students who are learning two languages at the same time to develop literacy. It gives children the chance to read their own writing, as a key to reading text, and lets teachers read bilingual books to children.
New chapter, Kindergarten Reading (Ch. 46), helps teachers understand what comes next in the reading/writing continuum. Teachers see how interactive read-alouds and read-alongs work, how reading is done, and what happens during independent reading time.