Core | Elective | Advanced | Foundation | Credit Recovery
Online Education Expands Opportunities
Students' needs are increasing, but your resources aren't. That's why innovative education leaders are turning to online and blended learning courses to bridge the gap.
With the broadest range of content for K-12 learners, Pearson offers hundreds of proven, standards-based, state-aligned online courses at various levels. We also provide pathways to address several instructional settings, including remediation and credit recovery, summer school, flipped learning, and online and blended learning.
Pearson Connexus courses are aligned to state standards for rigor, depth, and breadth. Courses are subject to continuous improvement based on state assessment outcomes, user feedback, and standards alignment. Developed with clarity and consistency in mind, courses on Pearson Connexus include a variety of learning modalities to support the diversity of learners for optimal engagement and collaboration.
To meet learners where they are, we offer courses at a variety of levels, including core, elective, advanced, foundations, and credit recovery.
Core Online Learning Courses
Core courses are standards-based courses in which students work independently and sequentially through the courses guided by system-generated feedback and grading. These courses are ideal for first-time instruction, situations in which "time in course" is important, and the fulfillment of NCAA rules and regulations.

Elective Online Learning Courses
Elective courses are sequential courses that allow students to extend their learning in areas of interest or focus. Elective offerings span an exciting variety of subject areas, such as the arts, STEM, world languages, and Career Technology Education (CTE). CTE electives may focus on various career clusters and/or pathways.

Advanced Distance Learning Courses
Advanced courses include Advanced Placement (AP®), honors, and gifted and talented courses.
AP courses allow high school students to get a jump start on college. They help students gain the skills and study habits they’ll need to succeed in college, but also prepare them to take the national AP exams. High scores on these tests may enable students to earn early college credit. Many four-year colleges in the United States and abroad will give students credit, advanced course placement, or both, depending on the individual college’s policies. By enrolling in these demanding college-level courses, students demonstrate their commitment to higher education, which may give them a competitive advantage during the college application process.
Honors courses in grades 9-12 provide learners with instructional content that challenges them to think deeply and allows them to engage with core concepts in ways that are most meaningful for gifted learners. The differentiated instructional content encourages students to become experts in the subject matter of that particular learning object by posing open-ended questions and encouraging students toward independent study.
Gifted and talented courses in grades 3–8 science, ELA, and math provide students with above-grade-level content, project-based portfolios, and assignments with increased cognitive rigor.

Foundation Online Education Courses
Foundation courses are standards-based courses adjusted to give students greater support on core concepts and provide additional practice and review.
In addition to grades 9–12 foundations courses, essential math courses are offered in grades 3–8 to provide students with added support in prerequisite concepts and skills.
The foundations level courses provide support and instruction in prerequisite skill areas as well as additional scaffolding for new skill areas. Foundation courses may also be structured differently (i.e., chunking content in longer units or lessons into smaller chunks of content). Foundation Courses are available for English and math courses for grades 9-12. Essential courses are available for math grades 3-5.

Credit Recovery Distance Learning Courses
Credit recovery courses are standards-based prescriptive courses designed to support students in the mastery of essential objectives and the recovery of required credits based on the personalized results of a pre-test. These courses help students get back on track and support on-time graduation.